Edition Twenty-Six – Week Twenty-Six:
Written by: Mercedes Barreto // Photography by: Allison Joyce

What is the drive and meaning behind this film?
“This is a faith-based comedy film about a preacher who takes out a loan on his church. The church goes into foreclosure, and Momadot, the main character, raises the money to save the church. This movie is based on a true story and the dishonest people in the church. The good news is that there is still hope for us all, and God loves us and will save us if we make changes in our lives.”
What do you feel the audience must interpret or understand about the film or production and its message?
“People should realize that no one is perfect, and despite our sinful nature, God loves us, and he will forgive us if we make a positive change in our lives. We all mess up, but there is still hope for us all.”
What can you tell us about the film to be brief and add an interesting perspective?
“The film is about a leader in the church with greed in his heart and a comedic female lead character who wants to hold the church pastor accountable for his actions. But it is also about forgiveness and healing. People are flawed, and no one is perfect. People get dirty spiritually, but God can clean us up as we live on this earth.”

Is there something right off the bat that you feel you must convey to the reading audience about this film, urgently, even?
“Life is short, and we should all consider how we treat each other and get our lives in order. We should all strive to be good God-fearing people while living on this earth.”
Why did you write the script?
“I walk the walk and talk the talk. I believe that all men and women should have a relationship with God. It takes a God-fearing person to tell others they must love God and keep his commandments. Life has a lot of humor; people mess up but can change if they want to.”
What is your favorite thing about this project so far? Why and how so?
“I love the humor and straightforwardness of the main character Momadot. She is funny, and she keeps it honest. She tells the truth and is not afraid to tell others how she feels. She has a good heart, and she is very comical.”
Leon McMillan
Moma Dot is the perfect person to be and she love all of God children’s and will teach you a lesson of faith and love in Jesus name amen.
Doretha Maxwell
This is a good movie. We have a lot of people that hàs not gone back to church since Covid for whatever reasons. Alot of our churches are in trouble. When we try to do good evil is always around. God is a forgiving God. The Bible speaks above of money being the root of all evil. I can’t wait to see the movie. The director was great and the cast was very talented. What a wonderful treat. ❤️❤️❤️
Wade Greene
This film is going to be epic. A film that is Funny, original, and clean while promoting a positive message to bring the all American family back to the dinner table while giving glory to God.