Edition Forty-Nine- Week Forty-Nine:
Written by: Mercedes Barreto // Photos by: Joe Mack’s Event Photography

What are some advancements in music for you this year so far?
“It’s been a lot of playing solo, which is not usually my favorite thing, but I’ve been asked to play several “songwriter” type shows, so it’s been me and a guitar, for better or worse. Behind the scenes, I’ve been getting a band together with a bass player and drummer; it goes slowly because of our schedules, etc., but we hope to play live in the next few months.”
Why do you believe you have had musical success in 2023?
“Success is a very internal barometer for me; I work on my music nearly every day in one form or another. It is a success because I stopped playing for 13 years, so just to be back at it is a huge deal for me. Also, I was BEYOND thrilled to be asked to be a part of the premier of the film Dust Radio about my friend and musical hero Chris Whitley. It premiered at a beautiful independent theater called Bantam Cinema in Litchfield, Connecticut, and I played a brief set of music to honor Chris and his
musical legacy.”

What does music stand for, especially in these challenging times today?
“Art of all kinds is a lifeline in the insanity of today’s world. Artists are the truth-tellers, and in a world of obfuscation and outright lies, the truth is endangered, and musicians and all artists everywhere are essential for the survival of our humanity.”
Where have you played? Are there any venues to talk about?
“Well over the years I’ve played all over the country but most recently, as I mentioned, I played at Bantam Cinema in Litchfield, CT. For the premiere of a film called Dust Radio. I was also a guest on the highly rated HOME FROM HERE with John Burton, and I’m looking forward to playing with several notable songwriters in the Hudson Valley at a fundraiser coming up in Rhinecliff on September 22nd for Radio Free Rhinecliff.org, a terrific internet radio station.”

Are there any upcoming musical releases to share?
“As I get my band together, we’re focusing on all of the new songs that I plan on recording and releasing in 2024/25.”
Where can we find your music, and why should we? What makes Jessie Lee Montague an iconic musician?
“My website is JESSIELEEMONTAGUE.com. My socials are @jessieleemontague
I’m a rock goddess who brings guitar to the forefront of songwriting, as well as being incredibly
Check it out!!”