
GenXtra- Rising Band & Musicians

(Published: 2024/07/22 at 5:26 pm)

Edition Ninety-One- Week Ninety-One:

Written by: Mercedes Barreto


What is the meaning behind the name of the band? Is there a story here? Why and how so?

“When we started out, we were trying to think of a name that captured the type of music we wanted to play and who we were personally as musicians. Three of us are chronologically Generation X, and two are not. We started out playing mostly classic rock, but as our lineup changed, we moved more towards 80s rock and 90s alternative, but we still love to break out the classic rock, and even some country and surprise people with some pop and dance tunes that you might not expect. So that’s where the Xtra comes from—-the unexpected song you may hear, and also us as a band.”

What are some notable venues you have played, and where? Why are these significant?

“We’ve been branching out and we have some gigs coming up in Copake in Columbia County and Ardsley in Westchester, so we’re really excited! But we always come back to our hometown shows at Duce’s and the Hopewell Inn. Playing with eleven other bands at Hopewell Inn for a fundraiser for Hopewell Hose was really something special and has been a highlight for us so far.”


If you could talk about a song you’ve played, which is the one that resonates most with the audience? Why so?

“I think that our audience really responds to the songs we play because we choose upbeat, popular songs that hold meaning for people. And we take that seriously, being fans ourselves, but also knowing that these songs are important to people, they really take them back, you know?

One really cool moment recently was when we played “Just a Girl” by No Doubt for the first time. Pina, our bassist, stepped out to sing the leads and Craig, who plays keys, guitar, and sax, but really everything, took over on bass. I think it really showed our versatility and the crowd went wild when she nailed it, especially our female audience members! For me, as lead vocalist, I got to step out and watch my band play, and it was just a really proud moment to see them from that perspective and realize I’m part of this amazing group of talented individuals.”

What are some upcoming plans or events for the band that you’d be happy to share?

“So, I mentioned the upcoming shows up north and down south in Westchester. That’s really exciting for us to branch out to meet some new fans who haven’t heard us play before. We’ve also started some merchandising, which really just began with some of our friends and family wanting shirts and so my good friend and neighbor Erin had them made up and we sold out immediately! It’s a pretty cool feeling to play a show and there are all of these people down front wearing our logo. So, there’s all that, and then we’re actually booked through the end of the year and looking to play some community music nights locally next summer. Those are always fun too because people come out and bring their camp chairs and just want to have a good time and get up and dance.”


How do the band members get along on and off set, and what is the routine whilst practicing and rehearsing?

“I have to say we’re like a family. I know everyone says that, but it really is true. You can’t spend this much time with someone, engaged in this kind of intense activity, without it changing you personally, and changing all of you as a group. We have our moments like anyone. We disagree over song choice and structure and all of that, then we hug it out. (laughs) But when we start playing, whether it’s in practice or on stage, there’s this energy you can feel and a sort of oneness that we reach. It’s hard to explain if you haven’t experienced it.”

Where can we find the music or performances you play, and why should we? What makes GenXtra an iconic band for the times?

“So, we’re on Facebook and Instagram, and we have a YouTube channel where you can check out some of our live videos. It’s all linked from our website www.GenXtraBand.com

But really, check us out live if you can. We’re just a regular group of people with regular jobs playing some awesome music for great, regular people who want to have a good time at the end of a work week. We do this for fun, though it’s become bigger than most of us had dared to imagine. I don’t know if you would call us iconic, but the music we play certainly is. And I think one of the things that sets us apart is that we are so eclectic and people seem to love that. There’s something for everyone, and everyone is welcome at all of our shows.”

Anything to add here?

“GenXtra is:

Frank Rocco—Drums

Craig Hoek—Keys, Guitar, Sax

Adam Barr—Guitar and Vocals

Pina Bruno—Bass and Vocals

Frank Yanoti—Vocals

We’re available to play venues in the Hudson Valley and beyond. Also booking private parties! Looking forward to meeting you!”


Questions For The Photographer- 

What was it like taking their photos, and for each of the members and their own solos or for the band as a whole, etc.? What was the layout here?

“The shoot was a bit challenging, the venue was small and I was very close to the band. I had to maneuver myself in and around the band and some support columns. The lighting was not good but, in the end, I got some great shots of the band, lol that’s why you hire a professional to overcome these kinds of obstacles. The singer and female bass player gave me the most to work with as far as poses.”

Do you recommend the band to other venues? Why so?

“I liked the band, they had a very diversified set list of many of my favorite songs over the years, and the crowd loved them, any venue that would hire them would get their money’s worth.”

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