
‘The Music Of The Hudson Valley’ Photo Book (Pre-Launch Creative Promo & Review)

(Published: 2024/08/13 at 9:13 pm)

Edition Ninety-Three – Week Ninety-Three:

Written by: Mercedes Barreto

Music of The Hudson Valley photo book pre-final draft (6)

Book by: Mercedes Barreto

Main Photography by: Joe Mack’s Event Photography

Part of a series, this book is volume one.

Date of Publication: In anticipation.

This is an anticipated pre-review of the photo book, ‘The Music Of The Hudson Valley’, written in the form of a creative and fictional short story, which ultimately describes the book in its anticipated soon-to-be release and publication. 

“He grew to age in a quiet home, with simple habits and a rather boring way of life. His father was a baker, and the father before him, and just like that for ongoing generations, baking was in the family. So, like his fathers before him, he did what was most casual for the occasion, and became a baker himself in this small, South European town.

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Photo by Canva.com

But he had a dream. It was a wild dream, and it seemed impossible, like reaching the stars, but nonetheless, it was his dream. 

One day, he promised himself he would go to New York City. But then again, not just anywhere in the state of New York. He wanted to go to Woodstock, in the Hudson Valley. (Not to mention the iconic festival of 1969, The Woodstock Festival, where music took place, located in Bethel, NY.) He doesn’t know or remember exactly where he heard about it, but when he did, that became his dream. He wanted to go to Woodstock, NY. To see it for himself. What is this place like today? It was something he dreamt of knowing, and that was his dream.

Unfortunately, baking took a turn for the worst in recent years. Sales were in decline, and cupcakes, cakes, and other goods just weren’t selling like before. What was he doing wrong, or was it a local health movement? People just weren’t eating cupcakes like they used to. 

So the young baker did the only thing he could think to do, and looked online. He searched, and searched, looking relentlessly for something to read or watch that might aid his spiritual journey to Woodstock, or for inspiration. And after good investigation, he found his own slice of Woodstock GOLD.

He discovered a new book. It wasn’t like your average novel with words on each page. On the contrary, it was a captivating photo book with bands and musicians from The Hudson Valley, and each of the eight chapters was like he was meeting these great people himself. 

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Photo by Canva.com

He could just hear the musicians on a stage, hearing them play covers and originals. The book had its own realistic yet entertaining qualities, the young baker truly felt like he could relate to each chapter, their music, and felt it was worth the price. Acts from Good Stuff, to The Carrie Zazz Band, and beyond! He aspired to imagine what the second volume might contain.

The young baker, enlightened, took certain elements from the book that inspired and uplifted him and then used them to channel a new line of musician theme inspired cupcakes, etc.

And in just a few months, sales went up! Thanks to the book and its inspiring content, the baker was able to come up with a baking design that applied to more modern consumers. NYC cupcakes were trending, and he planned the days and moments he would get to meet the bands in person at local Hudson Valley, NY music venues.

He prayed soon, he would definitely be getting his hands on a hardback copy, whenever that option was available for purchase.”

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Photo by Canva.com

You can get your hands on a digital, paperback, and hardback copy of the new photo book, ‘The Music Of The Hudson Valley’ soon to be published online on its anticipated release date.

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