
Axis-1- Melodic and Energetic (Rising Musicians & Band)

Edition Thirteen-Week Thirteen:

By: Mercedes Barreto // Photography By: Joe Mack’s Event Photography

When you consider musicians and their craft, what defines a moment of true momentum and success for a band? When is the art truly and finally a success? Axis-1 is a band that recently describes all their best success in this guided yet informative rising talent article.

What is a highlight for the band musically in 2022?

“The highlight for the band in 2022 was playing at The Chance in Poughkeepsie on August 12th.”

If you could pick a song that resonates best with listeners, what is this song, and what are two words to describe it?

“We get positive feedback on all of our songs, but the one that seems to resonate the most with listeners is “Stiletto Daydream.” The two words to describe the song best are melodic and energetic.”

How did you get your start? Why so?

“Tom and David met through a mutual friend. Ronn and David used to work together. It turned out we had similar goals in terms of playing music. So, we started rehearsing together, and things just seemed to click from there. It really has worked out nicely.”

Where is your favorite venue so far, and why so?

“Our favorite venue to play so far is the Chance. This is for two reasons. First, the history of the Chance. It’s been a staple in our town for decades. Many of our favorite national acts have played there. Being on that stage was like being part of history. Second, it’s simply a great club!!!”

Who are some inspirational figures you feel have influenced your creation?

“As a band, we have been influenced by various other musicians. Some of the band’s main influences include Joe Satriani, Eric Johnson, and Neil Schon. From a drumming perspective, Tom, the drummer, is heavily influenced by Dave Grohl. Not that he is the most technically skilled drummer, but because he always serves the songs he plays and creates memorable drum parts. My role as a drummer is to serve the song!”

Where can we learn more about Axis1, and why should we do so? What makes the band iconic?

“You can check out all of our songs off our EP on our Bandcamp here: axis-1.bandcamp.com, and you can also check out our Facebook page here: facebook.com/axis1music. I think what makes us iconic and unique is that we are one of the only bands in our area doing original rock instrumentals. Doing so brings new energy and presence to the music scene.”

Anything to add?

“Please check out our music. Follow us on Facebook to check out all things Axis-1!”

Questions For The Photographer:

What was the style you perceived in the photos and with the band’s music during the photo session?

“The band is a high-energy instrumental band doing original material; I always liked 3-piece bands with bass, drums, and guitar; these guys don’t leave any holes in the music, have a very full sound, and shooting where I did at The Chance Theater, it was a great night!”

What were some ideas you successfully implemented into the photo shoot regarding creative poses, props, etc.?

“Well, I can’t really pose the guys while they play, but being a musician myself, I shoot with a musician’s eye and look for and anticipate certain poses, positions, etc.; I have found thru doing this that most people follow patterns in themselves, so when I see a look, a posture, whatever, I look for it again so I can be ready for the shot.”

Joe Mack’s Event Photography
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