
Carson Aday- Rising Musician (Feature Interview)

(Published: 2023/11/22 at 9:08 pm)

Edition Fifty-Six- Week Fifty-Six:

Written by: Mercedes Barreto

carson aday 2

How would you describe your music, style, and your voice overall?
“I’d like to think that my music is the perfect blend of vintage sounds coupled with modern production elements. Growing up on artists such as Elton John, The Beatles, Michael Jackson, and more, I pull a lot of inspiration from these legends, leading my work into a sort of vintage reminiscent indie pop genre.”
What is a recent highlight or recent release you’d like to share? Your song, ‘Fade Away’, for example?
“Fade Away leans heavily into a 60s sound while reflecting the current state of my heart as a I progress in the music industry. The verses paint the thoughts that go through my mind as I struggle with my religious and moral values, finding more and more demanded of me in this industry.”
When creating, what tends to inspire you, regarding the process of lyric, production, musical innovation, etc.?
“I find a lot of inspiration in my surrounding and scenarios, which has been the basis of most of my work. I go back and forth on which part of the process comes first. Sometimes lyric will inspire me, and sometimes I’ll be given a melodic, harmonic, or rhythmic element first. However, my first step is always to pray. I’ve found myself pretty useless until I ask for inspiration from God.”
What does music mean to you? What would you do without it?
“Music is my passion and my craft. I find so much joy in writing, recording, performing, and every other aspect of music. Finding a talent here has really motivated me to hone in my skills and abilities with hopes to have a long career in the industry.”
Are there any specific songs you feel best resonate with your listening audience, and why do you feel so?
“I never really know which songs people will latch on to. I just put my heart out there for people to hear, hoping that it might bring comfort to someone. Currently “Chest Pain” seems the most relatable to me, having the universal theme of heartache and depression.”
Where can we learn more about Carson Aday, his music, and why should we do so? What makes him iconic in the industry?

“Getting people to be passionate about what I’m passionate about is always the most difficult part of this path. To those wanting to know more about me, I’m very active on social media, alongside continually putting my heart into the music I release. If you resonate with my sound, I’ll always appreciate support from my listeners!”

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