Edition Nineteen – Week Nineteen:
Written by: Mercedes Barreto

Do you believe these things are the kind of things that happen every day, or do you think it’s a special and unique kind of surprise?
“I believe if you work at it long enough to draw attention, something eventually happens.”
What began your search for a distribution deal? Why and how so?
“The double-edged sword of today’s music industry. Being an independent rookie, you may own your masters, but the music business is a BUSINESS. Being both an artist and handling business can take a toll on both roles, “unable to serve two masters. Record companies can be a necessary evil. For the financing, marketing, and support they provide, you may also sign away your masters and publishing. You can also get dropped from the label if your sales start declining.
With a distribution deal, you can negotiate a product you’ve created from your pocket and make a deal for a single, EP, or album. Granted, palms will have to get greased (percentages on publishing and sales), but you still own both mastering and publishing majority.”
If you could describe your reaction to this kind of deal in three words, what are those words, and why?
“Very satisfied. I’m an artist with Granny Sue Record LCC. My boss Herman Outar is also an artist who understands both sides of the business. We actually communicate and speak to each other, rather than some label head, high pressure fast talking down to me, dictating my career, only to get ghosted when no longer useful.”
Is there something or someone in your past who has fueled your drive to go forward and get this kind of success? Or are you going with the flow of things?
“My three children, each successful in their own right due to doing it independently, which I can never take credit for. At my age, I take things one day at a time. People can spin their wheels going 100 mph, only to realize how much time and fuel is wasted.”

Why do you believe you are a successful musician in particular? Is there something unique or different about your music?
“The day I proclaim I am successful in a boastful manner…is the day I stop evolving. Being successful means not being at the top, but being able to keep pushing forward. I try not to repeat myself musically.
The reason I started writing music is because the then current music was not speaking to me, so I started expressing myself.
Plus, the mindset of making great music……if it’s a recording that I would walk 20 miles in the rain to a brick-and-mortar store to buy while I’m starving, even if I can easily download in my house during dinnertime LOL.”
Where can we hear your music, and why should we? What makes it iconic?
“The new album Born American is a very personal yet wide-ranging album which I enjoyed every minute of writing and recording which I hope will sound fresh in the years to come!”
Spotify https://open.spotify.com/album/5Lrv08mqYFIS31Y5THKvIa?si=BOjLoRzQQrCVOEjV5MoKzA
Apple Music https://music.apple.com/us/album/born-american/1680627203