
Erika Huey- Determination Works Wonders (Acting, Modeling, & Voice-Over Artist) (July 2021)

Issue Fifteen- July 2021:

By Mercedes Barreto

What is the limit to success? Is it derived from one’s ability to perform, and what determines one’s willingness to keep succeeding, even with the toughest of limitations? Actress, model, voice-over actress, and singer/composer, Erika Huey, succeeds in her professions, despite being a Lupus (auto-immune disease) patient, and she rises to astounding heights in her career, to tell us that anything is possible for your own success. We revise her merited professions and career-oriented ambitions so far, in this article.

What does success mean to you, and how successful would you say you are? In a given time span?

“I used to think that success simply means being at the top of your career, financially very stable, and debt-free. I mean, yes these are definitely important. But right now, success to me means being genuinely happy, satisfied in where you are in life, and also achieved being the person that you yourself would truly be proud of, and a person whom other people would want to look up to.

As for my career at the moment, although already being in this industry for several years, I’d say I’m definitely still far from where I’d want to be, but I’m happy with my choice, and very glad that I did not give up and definitely not giving up anytime soon!”

When preparing for a show, performance, or photoshoot, what are some things you do or must do to prepare for such occasions? Why so?

“For me, different types of jobs call for a different kind of preparation. However, be it modeling, acting, voiceover, etc, they all require the same thing: you have to always be in your best condition physically-wise, so taking care of your own health/ skin/ voice, etc even when there are no jobs is super important. This is a tad bit difficult for me as I’m also an autoimmune disease patient (Lupus), which sometimes makes things a little more challenging when I face unavoidable and unpredictable flares. Most of the time people might not understand, so when I’m unwell (but still manageable), I just gotta put out my best and survive the day.”

What was your start regarding your talent and profession? Who or what inspired you to do what you do today?

“I started as a model during my uni years. I then slowly moved on to acting, and some VoiceOver/ hosting here and there, until full-on professional acting and VoiceOver in recent years. I started pursuing this career path without planning, to be honest. I used to have pretty bad years when I first got diagnosed with Lupus. When I got better and started modeling, it somehow fueled me with this passion that boosts my self-esteem. It made me realize that I could do it, too, and that having an autoimmune condition isn’t the end of the world.

Not forgetting my family also plays a huge part in inspiring and supporting me to pursue what I love and what makes me happy, and I think that’s the most important thing that’s pushing me forward until today.”

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If you could pitch your works to three top industry executives today, on a global scale, who would you pick, and why, if given this opportunity?

“In my case, I’d take pitching as in to pitch myself to world-renown talent agencies for sure! I’m kind of ambitious, to be honest. It may be way out of my league, but one can dream, right?

I have always been dreaming of getting signed to my top 3 agencies of choice: William Morris Endeavour (WME), Creative Artists Agency (CAA), and United Talents Agency (UTA).

These are world-renowned agencies that handle several world’s most successful artists, and I know whoever’s under them will definitely be in good hands!”

Has Covid had an impact on your routine or schedule, and positively or negatively? Or both?

“That’s definitely a huge yes! I’d say Covid has impacted my life both positively and negatively.

Negatively wise, obviously the impact on my field. My job requires a lot of traveling/ events/ shows/ filming, etc., which are all currently not allowed in my country as cases surge. Sometimes I struggle, mentally and financially but I guess as long as we persevere and be flexible, there’s always a way out! Another downside is that I really miss many people that I’m unable to meet due to Covid…

Well, then again not all is bad. During this time where I spent every day at home, I started looking after myself even better than before, dedicating more time to myself where I couldn’t before: improving my health, diet, well-being, and connecting with family, which is honestly pretty nice!”

Why should people learn more about your recent projects and work? Where can they find such projects?

“I’d definitely like the world to get to know me more, not just my work but also me as a person! I mean, which artist wouldn’t want their hard work and crafts to be seen by the world? I also hope that I could one day be influential enough to use my voice for the better and help encourage others, especially people with a health condition.
Getting people to learn more about what one does is in a way is encouraging and helpful in terms of pushing a person to be better. I’ve always welcomed constructive criticism as they are honestly the best way to know how and where I should improve myself.

They can always support me on my Instagram (@erikahuey) as I upload and link all my latest works/ updates there. For a more professional page they can check out my IMDB, just search for “Erika Huey” and they’ll find me.”

Anything else you feel must be added here?

“Some words of encouragement for all: If I, with Lupus, can do it, YOU can do it too, with no excuses! Never stop pursuing and working hard towards your dreams and what you believe, even when it’s Covid times! Determination works wonders!”

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