
Forever TINA- Tribute Band to Tina Turner (Interview)

(Published: 2024/07/25 at 4:01 pm)

Edition Ninety-Two – Week Ninety-Two:

Written by: Mercedes Barreto


What is the most inspiring thing that drives the band to perform Tina’s hits, which are things they perceive or recollect from Tina Turner herself? Her style or music and its genius for example?

“The most inspiring thing that drives the band to perform Tina’s music, is the music itself! All of its combinations of Rock, R&B/Soul, Blues, Pop, make it a MOST complex and interesting music to play!”

How do the band members get along on and off the set? Is there a routine set-in place? Why and how so?

“We all get along on and off stage because we love what we do! We enjoy
hanging out together after the show for conversation …. One of our favorite parts about being on tour is when the shows are over, and we just get to chill after leaving it all on stage …. It’s all about The Music and the Hang for us!! … We do switch the sets up a bit depending on the venue but with that being said our set is somewhat stringent because of the choreography…. We have an outline from which the spontaneity evolves at each show.”


What is the song that the crowds most seem to resonate with, out of so many good ones?

“There are several songs due to the memories of when they came out –
However, I would say SIMPLY THE BEST #2 – PROUD MARY # 1

Why do you believe that being a tribute band to Tina’s legacy is an important mission? Why is this work significant?

“We consider ourselves a SALUTE To the Queen of Rock and Roll and shy away from TRIBUTE Band which has become to mean many different things these days.

We are a total recreation of an actual Tina Turner Concert including 4 Dancers, 6 Musicians, 2 Background Singers PLUS Tina …. We are more of a SHOW than a band. Our mission is to KEEP HER MUSIC AND LEGACY ALIVE, in the most authentic way possible!”

What kinds of people do you see in the crowds? Is it apparent that music is the world’s most common language, as they say? How is music important to the band, in a general sense?

“We see all types at our shows… Every Ethnicity and Background- A Melting Pot of Tina Music Lovers!

Our demo tends to skew from ages 30 to 60+ which is a very broad swath of 30 years … There is NEVER a shortage of TINA FANS …. If You Book It They Will Come!

As we mentioned before we love to hang out after the shows … When you are contemplating jumping in a van with a bunch of people for days on end “It’s All About The Music and the Hang!”


Where can we learn more about the band, and why should we? Why do we need to keep Tina’s music alive and well?

“Please visit our Facebook site and give us a LIKE at www.facebook.com/forevertina1 … You can also check out our webpages at www.ForeverTina.rocks and www.ForeverTina.com

Anything to add here?

“Thank You For All Of Your Support in Keeping The Music Alive and we hope to see you at a show soon so we can HANG!”

Questions For The Photographer-

What was it like photographing this band? What did you sense individually from each member?
“I loved photographing this band at Daryl’s House, the music was amazing, the dancers were so energetic, the vocals were right on the money, i look for interaction, emotion and animation in a shoot and these guys hit all the marks, can’t wait to work with them again.”
Do you recommend this band to other venues and for musical opportunities in the future?
“Any venue that wants a high energy act and a packed venue that has recognition with all their material needs to hire this band.”



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