
Humanitarians Of The World Inc.- The Story of Dr. Abbey Muneer (January 2021)

Issue Five- January 2021:

By Mercedes Barreto

Dr. Abbey Being Knighted by Countess Nicholas Bobrinskoy

Humanitarians of the World, Inc. (HOTWINC), www.hotwinc.org is also a not for profit 503(c) tax-exempt organization.

One of the goals of HOTWINC is to broadcast Humanitarian activities taking place throughout the world via its official online TV, “World Liberty TV Humanitarian Channel” located at www.worldlibertytv.org.

Another goal of the organization is to recognize those individuals and entities that provide humanitarian services through charitable acts or activities throughout the world. Medals of recognition will be awarded to those whose humanitarian efforts assist, support, and further the economic, social, mental, and physical well-being of the underprivileged, disenfranchised, suffering, and/or downtrodden people of the world, as a way of honoring them at the annual fundraising galas, and eventually HOTWINC Hall of Fame annual events.

What does it mean to partake in the efforts within your organization, knowing the severity of the mission at hand?
“What is the meaning, or the motivation?
My parents moved from India to England many years ago, so I was born and educated in England, and at age 8, I saw a documentary on TV, which was about the famine in Sudan, in the 1980s, and I saw many children dying with no food and water. That night, when I went to sleep, I saw these visions of children dying in my dreams over and over again.
When I got up that morning, I told my grandfather that I must do something to help them.

Then, my grandfather, a wise man, and my biggest mentor had asked me, “How are you going to help these dying kids in Sudan?” I said to him, “I had some money, and can send it to them.” He then asked me, “How much do you have?” I responded to him that I had 10 English pounds (around $20 US Dollars). He then told me, “That’s a good start, but you need to raise much more to save lives.” He told me that he would help me organize a run, across the distance of 120 miles, over a time span of 3 days., and told me to have family members, friends, and local businesses sponsor me per mile.

My grandfather took me around to many people who were very impressed with what I was doing at age 8, and they sponsored me very generously. I was able to complete the run in 4 days. I ended up raising close to 4,000 Pounds (approx $ 8,000.00 US. Dollars), which was a huge amount of money at that time.

After that, I was involved in the sport of boxing and became the greatest Indian, Pakistani fighter in the world! I still have the belt in my possession up to this day. I organized boxing tournaments with money going to many humanitarian charities, doing great work around the world, helping the world’s poorest.”
Dr. Abbey Honored With 9 Awards At Covid-19 Champions Award Gala

When do you recall this organization got its start?

“In 1986, I moved to New York City, and approximately 2 years after that, I started an organization called ‘Help Against Drugs Org’, helping children get involved in sports instead of hanging out on the streets. We helped thousands of kids, getting them involved in sports like boxing, martial arts, basketball, volleyball, soccer, and many more. Our motto was ‘Sports VS Drugs’. In 1988, we had a broader vision of our humanitarian projects. 

So we started ‘Humanitarians of the World Inc.’, (HOTWINC). The purpose of the organization is to help the world’s poorest people. Another goal of the organization is to recognize those individuals and entities that provide humanitarian services through charitable acts or activities throughout the world. Medals of recognition will be awarded to those whose humanitarian efforts assist, support, and further the economic, social, mental, and physical well-being of the underprivileged, disenfranchised, suffering, and/or downtrodden people of the world, as a way of honoring them at the annual fundraising galas, and eventually HOTWINC Hall of Fame annual events.”

If your establishment did not do what it has done for its entirety,  making a difference in the lives of those surrounding natural disasters, and other relevant pandemic or world-class catastrophe, what would be different for us? What has your organization accomplished in its time?

“Since our Existence 13 years ago, we have helped close to half a million people throughout the world. We helped many people during the Sandy disaster (Hurricane Sandy) here in New York, with food, clothing, and necessities., We have helped hundreds of orphaned children in Brazil, Colombia with back to school supplies, clothing, and much more https://www.hotwinc.org/humanitarians-of-the-world-inc-homeless-presentation-santa-marta-favela-rio-de-janeiro-2017/. Every few days here in New York City, we give food and clothing to over 200 people per week.https://www.hotwinc.org/homeless-shelters-on-the-upper-west-side-hotwinc-homeless-covid-19-presentation/

We have helped many Veterans throughout the USA, with counseling, giving electronic items for them to use: https://www.hotwinc.org/veterans-needy-and-homeless-presentation-at-orlando-florida-veterans-hospital-2018/. We also continue to help regularly, by helping children with cancer, by donating toys to them during all major holidays.. https://www.hotwinc.org/hotwinc-20th-annual-toy-food-presentation-to-needy-families-2020/

We have helped thousands of people throughout almost every state in the USA. We have worked in collaboration with many European organizations.

HOTWINC Needy Family Presentation Close To 40 People
We also run seminars and webinars, where we teach our new volunteers the acts of humanity.
From March 2020, till’ now, we have given close to 5,000 people, PPE, Food, Water, and necessities. Also, I am the founder of the Worlds First COVID-19 Champions Awards, where we honored over 50 organizations and politicians with awards for helping people during COVID-19. This event was seen by close to 2 million people worldwide, and Dr. Abbey was honored 9 times that night, by politicians, the Himalayan Community, with ‘The Token of Love Award’. You can view COVID-19 Champions awards at https://www.hotwinc.org/humanitarians-of-the-world-inc-united-sherpa-associations-covid-19-champions-gala-2020/

Is there a specific reason why people should pick up the phone right now and call your organization to educate themselves, be informed, 
volunteer, or donate? How can this be achieved?
“Let me start with this: For the 43 years I have been a Humanitarian, I have never taken any money for my services, I am a servant for God and humanity, and all the people who are on our board, including our volunteers, do not get paid for any of their time while participating in Humanitarians of the World Inc. Not like many other organizations, where 70% of the Money Goes towards Salary and other expenses, while only 30% gets to the needy people. Our philosophy is 70% goes towards people and 30% towards expenses.
We do not get any federal, state, or city funding at this time, instead, the money we raise is through events and fundraisers. This current time, we cannot do live events, due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, so we are in dire need of funds to continue our Humanitarian Projects.”

What is a message to needing humans who could definitely make use of the assistance from such organizations as your own? What do we tell them?
“Well, I have been honored close to 400 times throughout the World, as a Humanitarian, and I am very proud and honored about this. The highest award I have received is ‘The Order of the Orthodox Knights of St. John’, which was presented by Countess Nicholas Bobrinskoy Grand Chancellor of Order of the Orthodox Knights of St. John @ https://www.hotwinc.org/dr-adal-hussain-knighted-by-countess-nicholas-bobrinskoy-in-the-order-of-the-orthodox-knights-of-st-john-2020/ 
So, I am a Knight known as (Sir), in the Organization.
Gave Food To Close To 5000 People During COVID-19
Our humanitarian work is showcased throughout the world, through many media outlets. We are also showcasing many of our humanitarian projects on our sister publication, World Liberty TV, an online TV with a multicultural understanding 
www.worldlibertytv.org reaching 1 million people worldwide, including our social media platforms.

Our work speaks for its self! 
We are at this time are looking for monetary donations, $5, $10 $20 $50 $100 or if you are in a better financial situation, you can do more by going to our website, at https://www.hotwinc.org/gallery/donations/coronavirus-donations/ and remember our motto (Your Contribution To HOTWINC, Can Help Save A Life!).”



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