
Insights Into Apex Legends (Women in the Field & Their Stories of the Game)

(Published: 2023/04/18 at 9:02 pm)

Edition Thirty-Seven – Week Thirty-Seven:

Written by: Mercedes Barreto

There are 532.1 million e-sports audiences worldwide as of 2023. The global e-sports market has been valued at a shocking $1.44 billion as of 2023. This number is forecasted to rise to $5.48 billion by 2029. (Demandsage.com)

Being a fast-paced industry, why is esports such a male-dominated field? What needs to change? What must be done to pave the way for a more equal and fair passage into professional esports? These are the words of women playing in competitive Apex Legends (a well-known online multiplayer game), some even professionally, and their take on what must change and what the outlook has been like recently. We hear their insights.


What is your story, particularly in competitive apex legends? What is your perspective overall in your own words?

Tairii- “I’ve been playing sports (football) my whole life, so I’m naturally competitive. My interest in playing competitive Apex started when I joined clans on console, and they always had a competitive team, so I started learning from them and ALGS.”

Ashley- “I am a 30-year-old epileptic who struggles finding games. However, I was able to play and fell in love with Apex instantly, and I have been playing since season 2. After platforms for so long, I decided to take my passion for the game a step further and to step into the competitive scene.”

xNeeyah- “To start, when I got into competitive Apex Legends, it was with my tryout for Team Inferno, and when I achieved getting on their roster.”

What is your drive and motivation to compete in apex legends? How has this been a good thing for you and your career?

Tairii- “My drive and motivation is the desire to get better. This has positively affected my career because I try to push myself harder. Playing video games competitively taught me to fall and get back up as fast as possible. “

Ashley- “My drive is definitely to defy the odds. The misconception is that older people, women, and anyone with disabilities shouldn’t be playing games, let alone competitively. That isn’t true, and I want to prove that.”

xNeeyah- “Apex Legends is one of the biggest first-person shooters (FPS) in the gaming industry, and bringing women’s talent into prominence is a definite appeal. Quite honestly, the game itself is stimulating and requires strategic thinking, a lot like chess, which is another game I like playing. It pushes you to your limits, and playing competitively requires a high degree of adrenaline that makes gaming fun and entertaining. In addition, gaming, especially based on competitive Apex Legends, brings one into a familiar community where many are recognized for their talent. The better you are, the greater the notoriety, which means lasting connections and friendships. All of which has grown my reputation related to my skill level and dedication.”


Do you believe there are advantages or disadvantages to being in the esports industry as a woman?

Tairii- “There are some disadvantages as a woman in the esports industry. It’s a predominantly male-dominated scene, so making a name for yourself can be difficult, especially when playing such a mechanically strong game. Some don’t believe women are capable of that and more. “

Ashley- “There are some advantages to being a woman in this environment, and it would probably be if we became much more supportive and respectful towards each other’s growth and winnings than the male counterpart, which I think will make us a vast, supportive network. The disadvantages, though, overshadow the advantages, as women have to deal with a lot of unfairness regarding what we can and can’t participate in, being ridiculed by male members in the same community, our skills being questioned, and many other things that make just trying to be a part of this difficult.”

xNeeyah- “Yes, I believe there are advantages and disadvantages for women gamers. One of the biggest advantages for women in the esports industry is the small competitive population. So good players get to stand out and become known. However, one disadvantage is that the dominance of men in the industry means that women are not well received, and the social climate can become rather toxic. As a result, some in the industry are not receptive to women competitors.”

What does the Apex community think of women in competitive Apex?

Tairii- “The Apex Community is now slowly supporting women’s events because they realize there was so much underrated talent. Orgs are capitalizing on the traction the women’s scene is getting now that there are tourneys with prize money weekly. So much talent was undiscovered until now because nobody gave us a chance.”

Ashley- “The Apex community is so strange with this because they will watch women players, but it’s always with judgment and doubt you can have a man and women using the same guns with the same match stats, and while the man gets praised for skill the woman more often than not will get judged and questioned on the legitimacy of that match and that they’ve seen better. I don’t think the apex community is welcoming of women, not to the same degree as men.”

xNeeyah- “Because the majority of gamers are men, and based upon my experiences playing in the industry, I get the sense that one of the general perceptions is that women’s leagues are low-level and filled with bad players. Once in a while, I receive comments that demonstrate a very traditional view of where women belong, such as in the kitchen.”

If you could change a few things about the current mindset behind women in competitive Apex, what would you change immediately and why?

Tairii- “I would change the mindset of thinking we can’t be as good or better than men. This has been proven over and over in the competitive landscape. We can do everything they can. We just need the opportunity.”

Ashley- “We can be just as good. That’s what mindset I would change. Women can be just as good as men, and if a woman happens to be better, don’t dismiss that and invalidate their skills simply because she isn’t a man.”

xNeeyah-“Immediately I would change the ridiculous mindset that the majority of women are bad. I refuse to buy into that story, and it is a falsehood that is being disproved everyday. I’m gratified to be in the pool of women crushing it and retelling that story differently.”

Who or what is responsible for the current ambient in competitive Apex legends? Why do these concerns need to be addressed by the source held accountable and soon?

Tairii- “I believe the masculine Apex community is partly responsible for this ambient because since the first ALGS, not a single woman appeared on the pro teams.”

Ashley- “Women growing up in previous generations, including my own, were never allowed to play video games. It was never marketed to us as something we would like. Most advertisements back then targeted boys, controllers were sized to fit a masculine hand, and the games were oriented toward boys. So when women and young girls took interest, we were ridiculed because we started to put ourselves in something deemed as “for boys only,” That mindset has been around for the longest time until, slowly, over time, women have started taking space within that community. Even now where women have taken a large %
of the community, we still are treated as though it’s for “boys only,” and that carries into the Competitive scene and media we see today.”

xNeeyah- “As previously stated, the competitive Apex Legends is a thriving community with positive and negative vibes related to its women gamers. As it grows in women’s prominence, it is important that the community refrains from leaning more negatively and thrives on creating a space that substantially embraces women players. This is important to offer them the support that will enable them to grow and thrive in the competitive arenas opened to them.”


What makes having only women tourneys and supporting women in competitive Apex legends necessary?

Tairii- “It’s important for us to create a safe space for ourselves because of the constant harassment in streams, social media, in-game, etc. People will always try to downplay our efforts.”

Ashley- “Due to what I said above, it is so important for women to have their tournaments and their own space because we have such a hard time finding where we are welcome in existing spaces that genuinely care about supporting us equally. We don’t have that to worry about in all women’s spaces, and those are usually all my apex team takes part in because they end up being the most welcoming and supportive tournaments we’ve ever been in.”

xNeeyah- “Women-only tournaments have the underlying importance of building confidence and creating a sense of safety. Many newcomers use these tournaments to hone their skills because of these two attributes safety and comfort. Further support is needed to raise the attendance of women-only tournaments, especially from men viewers.”

Where can we find you on social media, and why should people follow you?

Tairii- “You can find all my socials at
People should follow me because I always try to bring good vibes into the competitive landscape, and I will always advocate for those who have a voice, but people don’t listen.”

Ashley- “All my socials can be found here! https://beacons.ai/imashleeann

xNeeyah- “My website xNeeyah.com is being developed, but in the meantime, you can find me on all major social media platforms (Twitch, Twitter, TikTok, Youtube, Instagram). I’m a badass up-and-coming competitive player with a great set of hair and a sense of humor. Seriously, all the support is appreciated.

Twitter is https://twitter.com/xNeeyah
Twitch is https://www.twitch.tv/xneeyah
YouTube is https://www.youtube.com/@xNeeyah
Instagram is https://www.instagram.com/xneeyah/
TikTok is https://www.tiktok.com/@xneeyah
linktr.ee is https://linktr.ee/xNeeyah
Email is social@xneeyah.com

What is the final message we can take from your perspective?

Tairii- “Supporting the women trying to make our way to the top doesn’t cost anything. Be part of the solution, not the problem. We can create a healthy co-existing place for all. It just takes effort.”

Ashley- “I want the Apex and gaming community, in general, to give us the same opportunities as everyone else, and let us show you what we can do!”

xNeeyah- “If you judge my gameplay, do so based on my skill, not my sex. Being a woman plays no part in my in-game mistakes, achievements, wins, or skill.”

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