
Invisible Children- Campus Project & Outreach (January 2020)

Issue Three- January 2020:

By Mercedes Barreto

The Kids at Risk Action (KARA) Invisible Children Campus Project helps communities tackle the issues & build an informed & motivated volunteer force to heal children & end child abuse.

When the efforts of the organization and its sequence of events take place, what are some brief expectations or outcomes you have in mind?

“A greatly expanded student and community awareness and volunteer force within the community that will have a significant impact on the quality of life for at-risk children.”

How does the organization plan on finding, evaluating, and training, different volunteers for the events? How will they represent your organization?  

“The college will provide the student interns and volunteers and the community will provide the volunteers to local organizations that work with at-risk children.”

What are some reasons people who don’t have children should read the KidsAtRisk newsletter and learn more about the organization/how to help?  

“The taxes and insurance they pay are terrifically impacted by the troubled children that come through child protection and the damage they do to others through crime and violence impacts some communities to the point it’s dangerous and unhealthy to live there for anyone.”

What are some future propositions for the organization and the efforts made further along, in terms of new statistics or achievements?  

“School performance, teacher turnover, crime/incarceration and the dollars and quality of life a healthy citizenry provides (it’s the opposite of what an unhealthy citizenry provides).”

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