
John Newhall- Rising Musician Interview

(Published: 2024/10/09 at 1:38 pm)

Edition One- Week One; Unit 2:

Written by: Mercedes Barreto

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Why do you feel people resonate with your vibe or musical style the minute they hear you?

“I truly believe that music is one of those things that all people can find something to relate within. It is the ultimate medium for bringing people together. My music in particular is unique in that it doesn’t only take the perspective of myself and all of my experiences, but it is also delivered in an articulate but meaningful way.”

What has been a particular source of inspiration for you? Why and how so?

“A source of inspiration for me would be the mindset I bring when creating the art. I am insanely driven to continue to grow, both as an artist and also as a figure that people can look to and relate to music. The drive I naturally kind of have for sure keeps me going and inspires me to work when I’m tired, grind away when it’s the last thing I want to do.’

How would you describe your musical abilities? Are you articulate with various instruments? What is your strength, and also any weaknesses that you intend on perfecting in your craft?

“Musically, I do believe I am very well rounded. I think my songwriting is strong, my vocals are well developed, and I can play most contemporary instruments effectively. That said, I would say my stage presence is probably one of, if not my biggest strength. I feel pretty comfortable in front of people, so I think that works in my favor.”

If you could select just one highly regarded industry executive to work with, who do you choose right now to collaborate with? Why so?

“I’d probably want to work with Coldplay and Chris Martin. They’re not all hits, but it feels like everything that guy touches turn into some cosmic, timeless piece of creation that would be super cool to be a part of.”

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Is there something people need to know, a message or idea that you would like sparked in them? 

“What I want to come across at this point in my career is that I am just a kid working incredibly hard to chase a dream. That’s the story. Yes, there’s the music, and the intricacies of all that, but at this moment, I feel I’m in the middle of the grind and am insanely fortunate whenever somebody new decides to follow along and be a part of something bigger than just me.”

Where can we hear more, and why should we? What makes you an iconic artist?

“You can hear more all over the inter-webs! Wherever you stream music, I’m there, and have a bunch of content on YouTube and other social media platforms too.”

Questions For The Photographer-

What makes John unique or special in his photo shoot?
“John is very animated and shows a lot of emotion when he performs, and THAT is what I look for on a music shoot.”
Do you recommend him, where or to who, and why is he recommendable? What makes him the right choice for venues, etc.?
“John as far as I am concerned is the future of live music in our area. He is younger than most of the acts I work with, but his talent is as if he was much older in age. Any venue that would hire John would get a great show, with vocal and instrumental talent along with more enthusiasm than you usually see in a musical act.”

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