Jon-Paul Motherway- I’m Very Humorous (Acting) (July 2021)
Issue Fifteen- July 2021:
By Mercedes Barreto
Humour can truly enlighten someone’s day and give someone ambition, to feel worthy and continue on. It is no exception with film when you see a movie and transport yourself to a funnier place. It serves as medicine to the smile, and for just a second, you feel better. Intriguingly, Jon-Paul Motherway is an actor that will transport you to that funnier place. In this article, we revise his aspirations as an actor who can achieve this concept, and much more.
Do you consider yourself a humorous, interesting, or funny person? What would be some words to describe your vibe on and offset? Would your co-actors agree?
“Oh, I’m very humorous. My co-stars would probably say the same thing that I’m crazy. I feed off of everyone’s energy and see how I can use it to be funny.”
When you got the part/role, and you receive that script, what goes through your mind, both emotionally, but also to prepare yourself for the drama and the action on set?
“So when I get a script, my first reaction is to try and memorize it as soon as possible and once it’s memorized, then that gives me the freedom to bring my character from of the paper into the real world. The way I prepare myself onset is as I move and act I visualize myself being the character doing those same actions. I don’t think about how I would do the movements personally but how my character would.”
Has Covid had an impact on you? In a possibly positive way, or in negative constraints? Why do you say so?
“Covid has had a negative and a positive effect on me. Negatively, because back in last December, I contracted covid and lost my senses of taste and smell for 3 weeks, but that also brought a positive effect of letting me know what my bodies reaction would be from getting covid, so that I would know full well the effects and how to handle them.”
If you could pick any three co-actors to act within a soon-to-be hit blockbuster film, what three famous actors would be there with you throughout the star production? Why those three?
“I would say, Sean Penn, Al Pacino, and Tom Hardy. I would say this because there are many talented actors out there, but these three actors are very talented at taking on different roles and making the differences between each role very believable for example. If you took Michael Corleon and stuck him next to Tony Montana based on actions you wouldn’t be able to tell it’s Al Pacino doing both roles.”
If acting and theatre were forbidden and prohibited, strangely, for a year, what would be your internal and emotional show and expression of utter pain to emphasize that one-year loss? How would such a purge affect you? And how would you express such a loss?
“I would be heartbroken. I would feel as though a loved one of mine was locked up in prison. I love acting and it’s my passion and I must keep doing it as much as possible so that my experience can grow.”
What are some of your upcoming projects we can tune into soon, and where can everyone find them? Why should we all do so in your own words?
“An upcoming project that I’ll be playing in soon is “The End” Season 2 which can be seen on the “Three60TV” app. It’s a show about the rapture and end-time events. We’re starting shooting in September, so you’re definitely going to want to look for it in 2022. I’m also currently working on writing a movie script myself for a comedy.”
Is there anything here you feel must be added?
“I just want to add that never give up on your dreams. There will be dry spells at times to where it feels like you’ll never make it, but I can tell you if you can keep pressing forward and constantly working on your dreams eventually something will manifest so don’t lose hope, hold on, great things are coming.”
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