JUSTUS -Musical Duo (Interview)
October 31, 2024
(Published: 2024/10/31 at 2:36 pm)
Edition Four- Week Four; Unit 2:
Written by: Mercedes Barreto
What inspired you to start a music duo?
“My wife and I are co-founders of The Axiom Project, a unique 80s cover band featuring 2 keyboards instead of guitar and bass. We started 5 years ago and had good success. Seeing many single and duo acts on the music scene, it inspired us to start JUSTUS!
My wife and I decided we wanted to maximize our musical opportunities, so almost 2 years ago, in addition to the band, we set out on our own as a singer/sax duo using a light back up track. To our surprise, we were met with great success. We were blessed with over 50 gigs our first year, and even more our second! We were very grateful and humbled!!”
What is the routine like on and off set?
“My wife and I both work full time jobs; our evenings consist of rehearsals and learning new songs together.
We love to work together at a gig! We share responsibilities setting up, doing sound checks and interacting with each other and the crowd, not merely playing music, but putting on a show engaging with people.”
Are there any upcoming advancements we should be aware of?
“We are constantly updating our equipment to maximize our full sound. We carefully select songs that are unique. As much as we love playing restaurants, wineries and pubs, We are now venturing out performing at assisted living centers and 55 and over communities with success. So we are focusing on advancing even more in that area for 2025.”
Who would be some great top industry executives you’d love to work with if you could?
“My wife grew up listening to and emulating Linda Ronstadt, Stevie Nicks, and Bonnie Raitt. She would love to work with them.
For me the sax guy, I grew up playing along with Boots Randolph starting at the age of 9, however, my mentors of today would be Clarence Clemons (sadly no longer with us) Mark Rivera (Billy Joel’s preferred horn player) and Johnny Colla who worked with Huey Lewis and the News.”
Which one of your songs resonates with the listening audience most? Why and how so?
“One of Our most powerful and popular songs we perform is Voices Carry. Written by Amiee Mann in the 80s, this song calls out domestic violence, a lot of people resonate with this song. My wife was in an abusive relationship before she met me, so she likes joining Amie in addressing Domestic Violence. This song is a classic!”
Where can we find more information about your music, and why should we? What makes you an iconic duo?
“You can find videos and information on JUSTUS
On FB under Justus Singer & Sax Duo
On Instagram under justus_singersax_duo
On Youtube under JUSTUS-Unique Singer Sax Duo
These sites should be viewed because
These options showcase our music, style, and interaction with the crowd, we currently have over 600 followers on FB
We believe we are an iconic duo for a number of reasons, and we list them humbly with gratitude to the people who support us!
Singer/Sax is unique
My wife’s voice is powerful and unique.
I phrase my horn and solos around her, to
Compliment her. I’ve been playing for over 50 years and I am currently furthering my skills studying with a sax pro in Brooklyn.
We are in our 60s, still following our dreams.
Our song selection is always complimented, because we put a lot of time and effort into it!
People always dance to our music.
We work extremely hard at delivering a product that is enjoyable.”
Anything to add here?
“It has been incredibly enjoyable for us to be a married couple having the experience of providing music as best friends and professionals at this stage in our lives!
We love performing 60s 70s and 80s hits, arguably the best 3 decades of music ever!
We truly value every time we play out!
Thank you Doreen and Greg.”
Questions For The Photographer-
Why do you believe this duo is a unique shoot?
“This husband and wife team do a great job, she sings, and he plays sax, When I first heard about them I thought who wants to hear a guy play sax while someone sings? I soon realized it’s not just the two of them. They use tracks to play and sing along with so it sounds like you have a full band in front of you, and a GREAT job they do at pulling it off.”
Do you recommend them?
“I highly recommend them, they sound great, have a unique act, and a venue that hires them doesn’t just get two people, they get a full band but WITHOUT paying for a full band. They do a GREAT JOB.”
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