
Mark Vandetta- Rising Musician & Artist

(Published: 2024/03/08 at 6:32 pm)

Edition Seventy- Week Seventy:

Written by: Mercedes Barreto


What is your inspiration? What motivates you to create music? Why and how so?

“Inspiration and Motivation: (The early years) Early on, I was inspired by two things. First, the sound of a finger style acoustic guitar. Secondly, how players captivated an audience by playing and singing solo. I’ve seen many bands, however, as a youngster, I was drawn by the singer songwriters such as Croce, Lightfoot and Taylor, Glen Campbell, Roy Clark etc… My parents took me to see Peter, Paul, and Mary in the late 60s. They were rock, folk and jazz enthusiasts. later, exposure to delta blues players as well as progressives like Michael Hedges and Bensusan became an obsession. These inspirations developed in the late ‘60s through the 80s. I paid very close attention to the feel and the look of it all. My earliest recollection of music motivation was in a Junior high school music class.
There, the teacher, who owned a tavern in Saratoga, invited a special guest to class on one particular day. He introduced him as Cat Stevens’ half-brother! He played acoustic guitar for us. While he was playing and demonstrating songs, I overheard a cute girl classmate sitting in front of me whisper to her friend, “I could listen to that all day.” It was at that moment I knew what I had to do. I suppose this was my inspiration and motivation wrapped together in one event. I did not seriously pursue learning guitar until years later. I was 19 years old, enlisted in the U.S. Navy, I bought a 12-string guitar from a guy for 6 bucks. I removed 6 of the strings and taught myself chords and songs by ear. Today, after years open mics, I play professionally.”

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Is there any song you feel best resonates with the listening audience?

“This is a good question. The room seems quiet down while playing Gordon Lightfoot’s hit If you could read my Mind. Intricate songs like that have become my brand. I’ll follow it up with something like “Simple Man” just to see if people are awake. That era had dozens of finger style acoustic songs I like to play. Songs that resonate with most of the audience from my “Classic Rock”generation. Songs with stories make my heart happy.”

What songs best represent you in terms of significance or style?

“Croce’s Operator, Steve Goodman’s City of New Orleans, Peter Case’s On my way downtown, Elton John’s Tiny Dancer, Classical Gas, Girl from Ipanema to name a few.”

Who are two top industry executives you would be honored to work with?

“T Bone Burnett, Ludacris.”

If music as a whole vanished for an entire year, how would it affect you, ultimately?

That’s a jail sentence, right? (Laughing). I’d write songs for a concept album demonizing the culprit I guess.”

What are some musical highlights for this year 2024 so far?

“First, having the chance to tell my story via this publication. More songwriting. Using the harmonica more melodically.”

Where can we find your music, and why should we do so?

“YouTube channel @markvandettamusic. Perhaps I could inspire others.”

What makes Mark Vandetta an iconic musician?

“Passion. Sincerity. Being a people person. Crowd pleaser.
Captivating acoustic covers delivered with a singing voice that I am quite proud of.”

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Anything to add here?

“I was quite busy playing during COVID. To accommodate social distancing, I modified my pickup truck bed into a stage. I’d pull up in the parking lot of the venue, plug in and play. The truck-bed was as small as an elevator with the door always open. Three- and four-piece groups
weren’t being hired.”

Questions For The Photographer-

What stood out to you in this photoshoot? Why and how so?

“The shoot I did with Mark was at a local Winery. Very nice place, as typical for musicians that play these places they get stuck in a corner, but that didn’t seem to bother Mark, he played and sang his heart out, talking with the crowd, even though in most cases the musician is just background noise to the patrons, but since Mark is so good at what he does , the people actually applauded at the end of each song, says a lot for Mark and his ability.”

Do you recommend Mark Vandetta and his musical performance for future opportunities?

“Mark has years of expertise as a performer and connects well with his audience I would highly recommend him for any venue that is looking for top quality performances by a local musician.”

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