
Rashida Costa- Literary Thoughts (Author) (September 2021)

Issue Eleven- September 2021:

By Mercedes Barreto

When we pick up a book and take it home, what is the final factor, which entices us to do so? Is it the cover, the synopsis in the back, or is there something more to a story than the looks or the first glimpse? Rashida Costa shares with us her aspirations and reasons why her writings are prime, and merit your purchase at your local book store, and online. We learn more about this author’s writing accomplishments in this guided and informative article.

What initiated the idea for you to begin writing? Why is this important to you, and why should people begin reading your works?

“Writing is truly an art form that serves as my means of self-expression and reflection. I am able to transition the literary faculty of my consciousness into words authentically to an audience who has an interest in the subject matter I elect to give a voice to. It is also a journey I embark on to get free of the clutter and any potential pandemonium that may invade my space. My soul craves literary self-indulgence and I am always happy to feed myself and my audience with wisdom, laughter, and understanding. A combination that leaves you wanting for more is one of many reasons why joining me on this artistic journey of letters and words in search of a sound rationale for the very existence we embody, will be time well spent.”

If you could share your favorite paragraph from what you’ve written so far, with an audience of individuals who are debating to pick up one of your books and take it home, what paragraph would you share with them, and why is this significant?

“The graveyard is the richest place on earth. Why? Sadly, so many people die and their dreams die with them. Brilliant ideas, concepts, and a wealth of what could have been. The significance of this speaks to the lack of self-confidence people have in themselves and the ability to withstand any obstacles that may come their way. It is important to remember that there are no limitations but the ones we place on ourselves.


What is the objective, or the goal for you in a given time span? A few years from now? What does success mean to you as a writer, and what defines success, or measures it?

“Accountability is essential to self-growth and self-improvement, thus as I continue on this path, self-reflection is truly my main priority. My objective is that I will be able to address and improve upon my shortcomings over time. I don’t believe in putting a time constraint on this, as self-growth deserves a lot more than the meeting of the date and deadline.
As a writer, success truly for me is staying true to who I am. It is not within the scope of wealth, becoming a bestseller or any of the popular traits that may come to mind when one thinks of a successful person. Authenticity is a decisive factor in the development of one’s journey, I believe very strongly in my literary work, and hope to inspire others with my written works, but it starts with me, this is not arrogance but transparency. If I don’t believe in my work, why should anyone else?”

If you could pick three words to describe your style of writing, or your versatility, your theme, to convince a jury of editors to take interest in your publications for nominations as best-sellers, what words do you automatically pick, in full detail? Why so?

“Concise, transparency and informative conveys this pleasingly. It’s important to write in a manner of concision, this takes time, skill, and practice. Interpretively, this can be viewed as two writers that may have ideas that are analogous to each other, one writer expresses that idea in a 2-page format while the other expresses the same concept utilizing 10 pages.

The bottom line is it comes down to the ability to self-express without engaging in unnecessary protraction. If your intention is to sell the editors on the idea that the sky is blue, why waste time telling them how cloudy it is going to be tomorrow? You may just lose them, you don’t want to be that garrulous author. This brings me to transparency.

Transparency is key, I feel that being honest and open with my readers is very important, they are invested in me as an author, whether it’s through time or money. The least I can do is to give them an authentic journey, whilst putting forth my thoughts and feelings in a perceptive manner.

Thirdly, in order to do this, it is imperative to be informative. Why do readers bother to read? I get the unquestionable impression that they read because they have a quest for knowledge. As such, providing content that is exemplary in its own right is something I strive to do. It is not within our human capacity to retract lost time, thus I value the time of my readers and go above and beyond to ensure that they walk away with valuable and insightful content. This is something that one appreciates across the board, whether you are a reader, editor or jury, what is the substantive takeaway from this piece of work, is a return investment rightfully earned by the reader.”

If the world purged literature for a whole year, and reading was banned globally for a year, what would express your sudden rage, as a writer, or in the impact this would have on you, knowing that surely, writing is what you love doing? Why is this the worst thing that could happen, and how does that reflect on your passion?

“That would be unfortunate, while I love and have a deep appreciation for my readers, this honestly would not be as impactful in a way that would be detrimental to me as a writer. That is because there are no guarantees in life. I write because I love to write, not having a reader wouldn’t impact my mission. I write knowing that my work may or may not be read, but at the end of the day, I get to do what I love, even if others do not share in my literary sentiment, whether by choice or otherwise, I am at peace and in a happy space with my literary thoughts.”

Where can we find your works, and why should we read them today?



What makes them special in some way?

“With respect to being a children’s author, if I can put a smile on the face of even one child, my work is done. As for the other areas of my work as an author, changing lives one word at a time is my essential mission.”

Anything you might add here?

“Stand in your truth and clothe yourself with your integrity that is all you really have in the end.

“Words are from the lips, actions are from the heart.” – Rashida Costa

We all have a purpose, whatever that may be, always be true to yourself and live an intentional life. Work hard and your dreams and goals will come to fruition.”

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