
Reverend Jefferson Band- 60’s Jefferson Airplane (August 2020)

Issue Eight- August 2020:

By Mercedes Barreto

Reverend Jefferson is not just a tribute band, they are an excellent representation of an important band. This is coming from an era exploding with new ideas about artistic expression when music was at the forefront of great change.

Is there a history behind the creation and the start of the band? If so, can you describe that history?

Joanne Ledger & David Frye, both long time fans of the original Jefferson Airplane, along with booking agent,  Emmy award-winning filmmaker, David Kramer, decided it was time to bring the Airplane’s music to a new audience.

This new audience may not have been alive at the time of Jefferson Airplane’s glory days but could appreciate music that stirs the heart, as well as moves the mind with raw energy, instrumental prowess, & inspired wordplay, soaring vocals while simultaneously calling for love AND revolution, and nobody sang about love & revolution better than Jefferson Airplane.”

When did the band get its start? Can you remember the day, the occasion, and just how it happened?
“Our first show was at The Cutting Room in New York City, playing a show with the original members of Janis Joplin’s Big Brother and The Holding Company.
Reverend Jefferson then started to book at various metro-area music festivals, as well as playing several dates at B.B.King’s soon-time square in NYC, The Cutting Room, The High Line Ballroom,  sharing the stage with artists like Commander Cody and Big Brother and The Holding Company ( Janis Joplin’s former band ) as well as shows with Sam Cutler’s, spoken-word book tour.  Sam Cutler was former road manager for The Rolling Stones & The Grateful Dead.”
If you could play for any one group of people in the world, no matter the time, cost, or setting, who would you play to, and why? What would be the impact or the story?
“We love playing for the folks that were there at the beginning, generally the Woodstock generation. Our show brings back memories of a time not forgotten.
The story goes..that the music of the Jefferson Airplane is as relevant and powerful today as it was in the late ’60s.”
What are some successful situations you see occurring for the band in the approximate future? If so, at what rate in time?
“To share the powerful repertoire and message of Jefferson Airplane with old and new fans alike.
Old-timers generally watch with open jaws and big smiles, and our younger crowd gets to experience a style and message of music from the late ’60s that is as relevant to today as it was then. We welcome any opportunity to perform in a live energetic setting with open-minded and enthusiastic attendees.”
Questions For The Photographer:

Through the photo session with the Reverend Jefferson Band, do you truly perceive the message and the concept behind the music, and what story is being told? If so, how?

“The message and story this band portrays is the recreation thru today’s musicians of the power and energy of the band, Jefferson Airplane. The instrumentation matches what was used on the original recordings, and the power and energy of the performance also match that of the 1960s, when music like this was brand new and everyone was experiencing this format for the first time, and together.”

If you could choose to reshoot a picture with the band, where do you believe shooting the new picture would make the most sense, or have the most impact, regarding the message behind the music? Why did you pick this setting?

“First, I didn’t pick the location.

Instead, I found out that they were playing there, and made it my business to get to work with them there at The Falcon, which is a very popular music venue in our area.

If I could reshoot, I think I would love to do it outside in a field with thousands of fans around, just like it was in the heyday of music in the 1960s when The Jefferson Airplane first came on the scene.”


(Photographer Courtesy from Joe Mack of The Hudson Valley.)

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