
Rhayne Thomas- Breast Cancer Advocate (Early Detection Is Key!) (October 2021)

Issue Eight- October 2021:

By Mercedes Barreto

Do you truly believe that there is no plausible way you will be a cancer victim? Rhayne Thomas, an exceptional and conscious breast cancer advocate, and speaker reminds us that we can all plausibly get the disease, however, detection at early stages is the crucial key. We read up on her valuable insights on this topic, in this guided and informative article.

What is your story behind the activism for breast cancer? Why and how so?

“The story behind my activism for breast cancer is a long one but I will try to give the shortest version that I can. In 1976 when I was 10 years old, I had an uncle in the hospital for several months (nothing cancer related) and my mom would take me there every day where we sat in the room with him for hours. One day the head nurse of Oncology asked my mom if I could help her and the dietitian with “the rounds” because I was probably a little bored. So I helped serve meals, sing songs, played checkers, told silly jokes, and read books/newspapers to lots of patients in the Oncology ward whenever they asked: “the friendly little girl” who followed the head nurse. The head nurse explained everything to me about oncology, cancer, treatments, etc., and said that doing those little things for patients that “may never go home again” made their day. She also explained that “cancer didn’t have a cure due to lack of research money” so fundraisers were done to help the cause. In my child’s mind, I could not understand why more people didn’t help by spending a little time with someone to brighten their day or to raise money so they could “go home again” without cancer. We always had fundraisers at school so I decided to always give my raised funds to cancer patients or take my monies and surprise them with unexpected gifts like books and cards. And here I am, 45 years later, still at it.”

Is there something, right off the bat, you need to convey to the reading audience about breast cancer, even if it could save a life or inform something important to them, then what is it?

“Right off the bat, I tell anyone and everyone not to “stick their head in the sand” and act like cancer can’t find them, because it can and it does. Cancer does NOT discriminate and ANYONE can get it no matter how healthy or smart or that it doesn’t run in your family or if you are a man or whatever, which is WHY you need to advocate for yourself and keep track of your body and/or your bodies changes. Early detection is KEY so BE INFORMED and NOT IN FEAR!!!!

What describes your recent and continuous efforts to educate about breast cancer? What is the clear and imperative motivation here?

“I have been educating and informing others about cancer since 1976 and my clear motive is helping people save their lives and the lives of others and, maybe, a world without cancer one day soon.”

Is there an age or genetic that limits who receives this message of breast cancer awareness? Is this something that everyone must hear, and why? Do you believe people tend to be mistaken, and how often? Is not telling everyone about it, due to fear of the inability to fathom, a mistake?

“Cancer and breast cancer information needs to be heard by EVERYONE because again, IT DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE!!! And…IT AFFECTS EVERYONE AROUND YOU as well! If someone you know gets cancer, all of a sudden you may become a caretaker or a fundraiser or a helpless bystander that doesn’t know what to do, which is why EVERYONE needs to put their fears aside and be informed of that ugly beast on some level.”

Where can we learn all about this activism, and why should we? What is the most imperative fact about breast cancer, which is to be heard now?

“You can learn about this activism on hundreds of support group sites, at cancer facilities, from other survivors or you can have me speak to you personally via social media or video conference. The most imperative fact about cancer is and always has been, IT DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE!!!”

Anything to add here?

“Do not be lured into believing things like “You’re too young to get cancer” or “My insurance won’t pay for screening because I’m not old enough” or “Men can’t get it cuz it’s a lady’s disease” and a bunch of other untruths due to fear. Be your own advocate and, if you don’t know how to find me or someone like me to help you advocate!! EARLY DETECTION IS THE KEY!!!”

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