
Rhayne Thomas- Healing Hearts Through Laughter & Prunes (Motivational Speaker) (You Are Your Best Friend!) (October 2021)

Issue Twelve- October 2021:

By Mercedes Barreto

When you hear a motivational speaker begin to present themselves,  one might start to find themselves inspired, and somewhat unnerved. Rhayne Thomas is the kind of motivational speaker that brings to light some very important topics of conversation. We read up on this guided, yet informative article on motivational speaking, as reflected by Rhayne Thomas herself.

What is the ironic motivation behind motivational speaking, and is there a technique there? Why and how so?

The ironic motivation behind my motivational speaking is taking all the negative words and actions from my family experiences, and turning the real painful stories into funny and/or inspirational stories that let others know they are not alone. They are not alone in the fights of limited self confidence, health, wellness, shame, guilt, abuse, illness and whatever else. The technique, for me, is honestly unraveling a painful story, owning the emotions that come with it, then weaving it into a story that lets you know everything is going to be okay, because you are NOT alone in any situation. Never. I had to, and still have to, deal with some issues that are so deeply hidden and only arise when I least expect it, so I understand triggers. If I can get others to massage their triggers while shedding their painful memories, then they can start shedding the guilt that life may have put upon them and go live their dreams!”

What involves the preparation for speaking, and do you often get nervous? How do you complete preparation for such an event, and how?

“I’ve been talking since birth. So, getting up and being “ON!” Is just a matter of having an audience, willingly or not! For events that require a “focused” subject around my normal talks, I prep as far in advance as possible, by going over it in notes and bullet points so I hit my mark. I get nervous most of the times that I start any performance because I want to make sure my audience “gets” me and has a great time. I’m usually fine after the first 5-8 minutes.”

What kinds of events are usually the most frequent which you attend and speak in, and why do you believe this is so? Has Covid and the pandemic made a change in the frequency of events that you attend?

“I have always frequented and/or performed at events and workshops that are motivational, uplifting, inspirational, genuine and/or informational as those seem to be my target marks for my own personal growth and healing. This is what allows me to pass the joy on to others. Covid has not changed the frequency of events/workshops that I attend because everyone started working virtually. That increased my exposure and availability, also.”

If you could describe in one phrase in detail what speaking means to you, whether it may be a common quote or something you say frequently, what is that phrase, and why so? What does this phrase signify?

“My one phrase that I had coined many, many years ago, is, “The worst kind of cancer in the world is cancer of the mind.” In 1976, I started volunteering as a spokesperson and fundraiser for cancer and breast cancer (not because of any family history) and, as a kid, I found it really interesting how many people were ignorant to the things going on around them, and about how these“excuses” clouded their vision (family related). I wanted to be openminded. Over the years I have listened to countless “excuses” from people all over the world, who could not fathom doing anything different than their everyday stuff that they hated. Stranger yet, those same people thought “cancer was the absolute worst thing” that could happen to anyone. I thought about that for years, because I had met so many cancer patients who were “okay” with their lives, since they had always lived each day like it was their last. Yet, all of the “excuse” makers were the ones who were miserable and bitter. When I was about 16 years old, I sang The National Anthem at an event in NYC where the emcee asked me if I was nervous. And if I was, then why would I go on anyway? And that’s when the quote hit me. I looked at him, then at the audience, and with my biggest smile I said, “You know… People always try to drop hints of fear into others because they’re jealous of those who take life and enjoy it. You’re trying to scare me so that I, too, can live in fear and not grab onto my dreams. Sir, jealousy is ugly, but the worst kind of cancer in the world is cancer of the mind. Thank you!” And I strutted off that stage feeling like a superstar, leaving him with his fears.”

What is the ideal range of audience regarding your message when you speak? Does your message usually call out to just one or two communities, the country, or our world? What is the main message you deliver?

“The ideal range of audience for my messages are all of them! I try to keep my messages broad but niche, so that anyone who needs to hear something inspiring and real can do so, also being not as campy and sales pitchy, and they still will feel included. I speak to all ages, all cultures, nationalities, religions and so forth. I do my best to be all inclusive and non-judgmental with my love of helping others. My main message has always been to globally “Heal Hearts through Laughter and Prunes!” (Yes, the fruit!)”

Where can we find your work, and why should we, if so? What does this work mean and why is it special in the eyes and ears of all who hear it?

“You can find my work in many places, by typing in my name, or PrunesAreSexy! in search engines, book sites, cancer and medical sites, YouTube, social media and dozens of hospital or medical facilities libraries. If you desire a laugh or a story of struggle to winner or just a quick pick me up read, message or anecdote, then search me up. For me and my works, all of them are meant to help anyone who cannot see any light in whatever situation they are in and don’t know how to keep
going. I come from a terribly negative and abusive background and there have been SO many days that I really didn’t think I was going to make it due to past memories, lack of self esteem, lack of self worth, shame, guilt and whatever else. However, my stories and my voice will let others know that if you can get mentally grounded, and if you surround yourself with great people and things, you will fight to keep going, because you have reasons. I believe THAT is how you race towards being your best!”

Anything important to add here?

“Last but not least, always remember to never say anything to yourself that you wouldn’t say to your best friend because, at the end of the day, you ARE your best friend!”

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