
Spike Polite- Rising Iconic Punk Rock Band (Intro Article)

(Published: 2023/04/22 at 5:15 pm)

Edition Thirty-Eight – Week Thirty-Eight:

Written by: Mercedes Barreto

What does the band name ‘Spike Polite’ mean?

“The meaning behind the band name Sewage is that Punk Rock is on the ground, and most people consider it garbage or shit or sewage. Yet we are melodic and worth a listen. Sewage NYC: We are rising from the underground as an exploding manhole sewer lid cover.”

Why did you choose punk rock?

“Punk Rock inspired me as I came from a troubled youth where punk rock represents the angry youth and frustration with the government, economy, and authority, which I experienced firsthand living in that era.”

Where has been your favorite venue, hands-off? Why and how so?

“My favorite venue was CBGB’s. My friends worked there, and my friend’s bands and peers played there often. I did most of my major work with Spike Lee with the Rock ‘n’ Roll Hall of Fame Museum documentary on Punk Rock there in a modeling shoot with Deborah Harry’s clothing line. Many Japanese videos were filmed there with my van, and I’m at other people’s videos. They’re CBGB’s worst place! Currently, I like the venue TV EYE as it is an up-and-coming artist in a younger crowd. I like that we can get new followers there.”

 If you could share your latest release with the world, which release would you share, and why?

“Our latest release, “police brutality “of the Pandemonium ep I like a lot; however, the track I really would like to refer you to is one titled “Florida “from The Italian Sessions LP.”

 Where does the band live?

 “Our band lives and resides in New York City. I am a lifelong resident. Often we network together in the local scene here in New York City.”

 What does each band member do regarding band roles?

 “The band members get along well, and we rehearse once or twice a week and socialize afterward. The political punk rock band consists of Spike on vocals and guitar, Anthony Romano on guitar, Beast on drums, and Michelle Shocked on bass.”

 How do we get a better feel for the music?

 “You can get a dose of sewage at https://spikesewage.com/, and the reason is to keep up-to-date with the current state of Punk Rock as Punk Rock started here in New York City and continues to be in and out of major entertainment circles and cycles of popularity.”

 Where can we learn more about this incredible and iconic music for the ages? Why should we? 

“Check out our band at one of the next shows we perform.”

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