
TANIA KYLLIKKI- ‘I Struck Gold With You’ (New Musical Release)

(Published: 2024/05/17 at 4:09 pm)

Edition Eighty-Five- Week Eighty-Five:

Written by: Mercedes Barreto


What was the inspiration for your newest single, ‘I Struck Gold With You’? Why and how so?

“LOVE!!” is what inspired my song. “I Struck Gold With You” has so many levels, and there are various reasons for its inspiration. Despite all the ups and downs of life, I have experienced unconditional love. My husband, Rynellton, cherishes me for my true self, imperfections and all. My husband has encouraged me to pursue my ambitions and dreams since the day we first met. This defines the essence of love.

My husband has demonstrated all these qualities to me over the past ten years of our relationship. He’s my best friend, soulmate, and musical partner. He has been here to love me through everything. Even before we got married last year, he had already taken on the promise of sickness and health because he loves me so much.

We entered into our relationship knowing we are long-distance; my husband, Rynellton, is a US citizen and I’m a UK citizen, and sorting out where to live and visas isn’t an easy task. But even though we are still thousands of miles apart, he does his best to show me how much he loves me every day, even staying on the phone all night to soothe me during my health flare-ups. He calls me during all of his breaks at work, as well as before and after he finishes work.

I have lifelong illnesses, many of which are from birth, and it’s not easy. But he makes me laugh, keeps me positive, and pushes me to keep going. He has shown me what true love is like. And if it weren’t for him, I wouldn’t be where I am now with my music. Every time I come up with a new song, he is right there to produce the music for me. He only wants me to be happy and successful in life, which is what he always tells me. And this song is also a secret dedication to my faith in God, I never been abandoned, and God has served as a ring around me and Garry, keeping us safe and loved.

It’s also a tribute to everyone who has encouraged and supported me as an independent singer-songwriter. I wrote it directly from my heart during a period of severe kidney infections that led to sepsis. I wrote this while curled up on my bathroom floor, in pain. However, the affection of my husband, Rynellton, made me feel protected and cared for. He came to England for three months and gave up working in order to look after me day and night. During this challenging time, many people were praying for me.

This is what got me through, and then the words “This is what love feels like; having you by my side, I struck gold with you” came to me, and the song came to life.”


How would you describe the creative process, and what was your routine in the studio and when filming the music video for the song?

“I actually recorded “I Struck Gold With You” and my previous song, “In These Eyes,” and some other releases in my bedroom. A few years ago, during the pandemic, I converted one of my wardrobes with a damaged door into a recording booth. I looked on YouTube for ideas, brought what I needed, and made do with what I had. I’ve been recording in professional studios since I was a teenager, so I’m familiar with the process. I also learned how to prepare vocals before sending them off to my main music engineer, Phil Dust, who is amazing and always delivers a magical, polished sound.
I also filmed the music video in my living room. This includes the photographs I took and edited myself for the single-art cover and press photos. At the time, I was fighting another kidney infection, which has been recurring since September 2023, caused by treatment for my autoimmune illnesses. Given my condition, I was aware that I wouldn’t be able to travel to the London studio for the originally planned professional music video shoot. Further exacerbating our financial situation was the money we spent on taxi rides back and forth to various hospital appointments, as well as the money my husband lost on his initial flight ticket because he arrived early to care for me. Due to my ill health, we were both unable to work over these months.
So I decided to use the photography lighting I bought a few years ago for less than £40 and a £5.00 selfie stick to film the music video on my own. I wanted the music video to be intimate and natural. However, I never anticipated that the majority of my song, which I sang in my husband’s ear, would garner over a million views in just the first month, and that the viewership of my video has grown to one and a half million, with the number increasing daily. Considering that I recorded and filmed my song, “I Struck Gold With You,” at home, it’s astounding that 100+ magazines and blogs have featured and reviewed it.

I hope this serves as an inspiration for other upcoming artists, encouraging them to believe in themselves and realise that, despite facing challenges, they can achieve anything they set their minds to.”


Do you believe that people will relate to the meaning and purpose behind the song? What does that entail?

“Most definitely. Because the love I describe in my song is a universal thing, it is an unconditional love for all of creation. Of course, my motivation comes from my love for my husband and others. However, I’ve been tagged in reels featuring people’s pets, gorgeous regions of the world, individuals doing what they love, makeup artists, and artists creating stunning drawings and paintings. Then there were those people who were simply out on the town, enjoying life with their friends. My lyrics encompass what it means to be loved, valued, joyful, and enjoy life as a whole. Living your best life, loving and appreciating each other, and all of what life has to offer.”

Where would you be honored to have the song play, if you could hear it play for 5 minutes anywhere in the world, in front of anyone?

“Radio stations in various parts of the world, such as France, the UK, the US, Mexico, and others, are currently featuring “I Struck Gold With You” on their rotation. Many Spotify playlists have also included my song. So, for me and my husband, Rynellton, we simply appreciate anyone, big or small, who is supportive of our independent journey. Personally, I am overwhelmed by the love and support we have received, and I am deeply grateful. It can only go up from here. And one day it would be a blessing to also have my song featured in a movie or TV show. Who knows, anything is possible.”


How do you measure success, and what does that look like for your music career into the near future?

“I’m achieving success on my own terms. I’m demonstrating what’s possible for people who have a God-given talent and goal but are dealing with difficulties with health, limited money, and other life challenges. And I believe that success comes in many different forms for each individual. Whatever your definition of success is, it requires you to be and do certain things in order to achieve it. It requires innovative thinking and the courage to take on challenges that others might consider unattainable. Truth be told, remove the im in front of impossible, and you are left with POSSIBLE!! As a singer-songwriter who started off with a dream and determination, I’ve learned that responsibility for oneself is essential for achieving goals and beneficial to the soul. I still have an extensive list of goals to complete, but what I’ve accomplished thus far has been such a blessing. And I’m looking forward to achieving everything I still desire.”

Where can we hear and learn more about your music, and why should we? What makes TANIA KYLLIKKI an iconic artist?

“I am all over the Internet on various platforms, and I would love to have more of you join my family. There are no gimmicks when it comes to me as a person or an artist. I am who I am. As a singer-songwriter, I keep things real, honest, and sincere. My goal is to inspire others to not give up in the face of adversity, to believe in themselves, and to know that they are capable of doing anything and succeeding at it. We all deserve to be happy and live our best lives, whatever that means for each individual. Life is too short to say “I can’t” when you actually can. That is where my music originates, right from my heart and soul. Songs that resonate from different moments in life are shared with you all for your enjoyment.”

Anything to add here?

“Firstly, I just want to say that God is amazing! And I’m grateful for all the blessings God has given me in my life. I’m still battling with some uncertainty with my health right now, but I know I’ll be okay, my faith is strong. And thank you so much for this awesome interview, I loved these questions and I really appreciate your support. I also want to thank everyone who has supported me on my independent journey, and I can’t wait for you all to hear what else me and my husband have in the works to share with you all. There’s going to be more single releases on the way this year and then the release of my second album, “Free-Spirited” at the end of this year. I’m very excited for you all to hear it. Bless you all and sending all my love.”

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