The Maniacs- Play Good Music (Band & Rising Musicians)
Edition Eleven-Week Eleven:
By: Mercedes Barreto // Photography By: Joe Mack’s Event Photography
Is music banded by the method to someone’s madness, or someone’s unique point of view when creating music that is different and original? The Maniacs are a band who share a new kind of music with us and more in this guided yet informative rising talent article.
What is the idea behind the band name ‘The Maniacs’?
“We are a crazy bunch of four who love getting together, going goofy, and playing good music. We get a bit wild sometimes and let loose with creativity on the fly during rehearsals. Bottom line is …. We want our “maniac” craziness to emulate into the crowd!”
What is a favorite venue you have played and ultimately enjoyed the most if you could pick just one?
“We truly enjoy all the venues we play at. Each one has a different feel, and the vibe we create fits the crowd. We are especially grateful and appreciative when the venue owner goes out of their way to treat us well (food, drinks, nice stage to play on, etc.). However, two recent venues that come to mind that we really enjoyed were The Mason Jar (Mahwah, NJ) and Tin Barn Brewing (Chester, NY). Both venues have worked hard to make their establishment one that guests frequently return to, for their excellent food and drink menu and live music and ambiance.”
If you could pick a song to share with the world for just 5 minutes, what would that song be and why?
“We are a cover band currently, but we are trying to also gradually incorporate some originals where we can display our individual creativity and talents. But as of today, our lead singer has a John Mellencamp voice that is very strong, and therefore, “The Authority Song” would be the choice to share with the world (we fight the Authority all the time because we are Maniacs!).”
What are some highlights for this year, 2022? What is in store for 2023?
“2022 has been a great year of growth for The Maniacs. Our female drummer (Tracy “thunderstix”) joined us (Tony on guitar, Dave on bass, and Mike on lead vocals) during the fall of 2021 and has grown so quickly with the band, not only as a musician but as our business representative. She is very driven and has been able to consistently book us gigs. Unfortunately, our lead singer, Mike, had to leave the band in the spring of 2022. Still, we worked hard to audition for the right replacement, choosing Mike (yes, another Mike!) in June. We practiced 2x every week, and it took us no time to get up and running. We each bring a certain quality and have a special connection that allows us to pick up where we left off and run with it, booking our first gig only 3 weeks after Mike joined the band. Our highlight in 2022 is how we got our name out there and developed a following quickly (which continues to grow) because our music choices seem to resonate with the crowds we entertain. The Maniacs were not playing out live until 2022; this has become our passion! 2023 will be a year of continued growth with the hopes of becoming a well known local band everyone admires and one where everyone wants to see us perform. We hope to also play in some more elite venues to larger crowds.”
What defines success for the band, and how would you describe success as musicians on and off set?
“We view success by our fan growth and by our audience response. We all have the same goal in mind: to be one of the top local bands in our region, entertaining all types of crowds. We all have full-time jobs, and this is an extracurricular passion that we all devote hours and hours to because of our love for music and playing. It is a “therapeutic release” for us outside our regular careers. We consider ourselves family. Success for us on the set would be continuing to grow our fan base and performing various songs that our audiences enjoy. Success for us, off the stage, is our individual commitment to hours of independent practice and improvement in our musicianship through consistent rehearsals. This success ultimately leads to our growth as a band.”
Where can we learn more about The Maniacs, and why should we do so? What makes you iconic?
“We can be found on our Facebook page at “The Maniacs” at
Please join our “Maniacs” group at
We can also be found on Instagram at @themaniacsband.
Our email is
What makes us Iconic – our band has professional musicians with a history of going on tour in the USA to display their talents earlier in their musical careers. They know the ins and outs of the music business through their various experiences. They know what songs will be most pleasing to an audience.”
Anything to add here?
“We are very excited about this project and hope the readers of this article will take the time to check us out on the above links, or better yet, come watch us play live! We have a lot of great talent in this band. Music heals the soul. We hope to heal as many people as possible.”
Questions For The Photographer-
What is something you believe will strike or inspire people when they see your photos of this band? Why and how so?
“I believe the first thing they will see is that this incredible band has female drummer. Tracy is very motivated to be as good a drummer as she can be and it shows in her performance, A band is NOT just a drummer and the other members of the band seemed very dedicated to their craft, I hope that comes thru in the photos.”
How did you draw inspiration for this shoot in particular?
“It was a hot night, we are in the middle of a heat wave, the show was outside and I didn’t think many people would attend because of that, but I guess the band has a lot of fans, the place was packed and people were dancing during every song, THAT’S what makes a good band, getting people up out of their seats.”
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