
Warm Ears, Warm Hearts (June 2019)

Issue Two- June 2019:

By Mercedes Barreto

The Warm Ears, Warm Hearts Foundation is a foundation set on providing a population of impoverished, cold, and needing Americans with the sweaters, supplies, and vestments needed to get through the Northeast’s harshest Winter seasons.

What inspired the commencement of the Warm Ears, Warm Hearts Foundation?
“The inspiration for Warm Ears, Warm Hearts comes from a college trip I went on my freshman year. I was all bundled up in three layers of clothing that my mom had packed for me when I realized that some of the people there can’t afford the same luxuries as I could.
As a Miami-native, I noticed that we only use winter clothing about five times in an entire year. With help from my school community, we were able to run a winter clothes collection in the winter of 2016, and the rest is history.”
Why is this foundation a vital part of people’s lives?
Poverty is a crippling issue that affects many Americans.
In the Northeast, this can leave many people ill-equipped for the harsh winters that come. Our foundation helps alleviate those suffering from the frigid cold with donations that come from the warm hearts of our community.”
How have the Warm Ears, Warm Hearts Foundation changed lives?
“Just this winter alone, we sent four boxes with a total of 160 pounds of winter clothing to the Bronx, New York. The donated clothes have helped over one hundred homeless families suffering from the coldness. The large impact of this nonprofit is clearly visible and growing more every day.”

What would be the ultimate outcome for this organization, if all goes as planned?
“The ultimate outcome is to have the biggest possible impact we can. We want to help everyone we can with all the possible resources we can give. That is why we strive every day to increase outreach and funding, so we can continue what we are doing on a larger scale each time.”
What would you say is the biggest achievement so far by this organization?
“I would like to say the biggest achievement so far by our organization is our 2018 Smash Coldness tournament. On December 2nd, we hosted a video game tournament at Christopher Columbus HS.
It was our first large scale event that was not a clothes collection. The event was a huge success; over sixty people came out and between registration, sponsorships, food and drink sales, and merchandise sales, we raised over $1900.”
What is the next objective for this program?
“Our next objective is acquiring a 501(c) status.
Currently, we are a registered Florida non-profit but we are not tax-deductible yet.
With this status, we can increase our revenues, and therefore, increase our outreach and impact as well.”
If you could spread one message on behalf of the Warm Ears, Warm Hearts Foundation, then what would that message be?
“Thank you.
Throughout these two years, our organization has grown in leaps and bounces. None of this would have been possible without the tremendous support and funding we receive from the community constantly.
From the bottom of my heart, thank you.” 

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