
Wayne Felber- Team Felber (February 2021)

Issue Ten- February 2021:

By Mercedes Barreto

Team Felber’s mission is to help families and individuals who are in a medical crisis with financial assistance and wellness education and resources to help them on their journey.

Does making people laugh come as a sort of vital necessity? Do you thrive off good energy? How does this affect you, especially during these times?

I started doing comedy in 2004, and it’s more addictive than any drug or food. I love when the crowd is into the show, and their energy is high! And if it’s not, I take that as a challenge to energize them.
Right before Covid19 really hit, I did a tour of the northern area and drove 4,700 miles in 16 days, and it was awesome to bring laughter to others. This was going to be my best year in comedy so far. I had 89 shows booked as of March 1st, 2020, and as soon as April hit due to Covid, they all gradually went away.

Was I upset? Yes. However, I’m alive, and I’m adapting. I’m doing smaller gigs and more corporate stuff at country clubs, bars, restaurants, and producing my own shows to raise money for our charity. Team Felber since May 2020 has helped people with close to $5,000 in financial help so far, maybe more, and it’s really growing.”

Does comedy seem to flow through you like air?

“Well, I’m told I’m a big windbag, so yes!
Comedy in all honesty is fun but not always easy. I’m more of a storyteller and I focus on turning my life events into humor. I mean, I literally had stage 3 cancer and made jokes about it to encourage myself and others.”

Or, do you have several meticulous hours of planning and strategizing?

“I have various sets! Before a show even? Before a show, I nap a lot. Then, I listen to music, and I freak out because I’m hard on myself.

I’m my own worst critic.”

If you could make one person laugh instantly, who is going through a hard time, and only you had that key, who would be the first you would make laugh?

“WOW! I would say that person who’s at the end of their rope.

Most recently I had the chance to make a guy laugh whose mom is dying of cancer. I know it sounds strange but for a few moments, he told me he forgot how sad he was.”

Is there ever a time you tell yourself that maybe things have to come to an end, but the constant gratitude expressed by an audience full of laughter changes that?

“Almost on a monthly basis.

I am about to be 50 years old, and I see young comics who can go like the energizer bunny and I think that maybe I should slow down, but then after a long nap, I change my mind. Let’s be very honest here and look at my history. In 2010, I had stage 3 cancer, and stage 2 right after chemotherapy occurred. In 2013, I had thyroid cancer, and a week after they cut an 8-inch slash in my neck, I went on stage with stitches in my neck. The day my sister died I went on stage. The day my grandfather died I went on stage. I literally worked 5 days and 6 shows last November and postponed having my pacemaker put in so I could do comedy. After that weekend, I had heart surgery, and within 2 weeks I was back on stage. I had pneumonia, and the day after I got out of the hospital I went on a 16-day tour.

I’m addicted to doing comedy and want to die at the age of 90 right after I finish my set.”

Do you consider the emotion behind laughter more important than anything else?

“Laughter is healing, its energy, its compassion. Other than my wife, it’s my second lover.  It’s my side woman!”

Is this your motivation, regarding your mission to make the world laugh, one chapter at a time?

“If I can make 1 person a day laugh, I’m happy!”

How has the laughter that changed others, changed you? What message does that portray to those who will laugh in the near future?

“My best answer is that when you can make someone laugh in any situation, I feel blessed and humbled, I honestly know that doing comedy is the path God put me in.”

Support Team Felber by contributing your donations today at the following GoFundMe  page:


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