
Andrea Yordanova- Rising Model & Actress

(Published: 2024/03/20 at 4:22 pm)

Edition Seventy-Two- Week Seventy-Two:

Written by: Mercedes Barreto


What was the most crucial moment in your life when you realized that acting and modeling are your passions? Why and how so?

“Acting has been part of my life for as long as I can remember. I took my very first acting class at the age of 8 and never stopped ever since. It just took over me. I believe I’ve always been meant to do it and once I realized that, there hasn’t been anything else for me.

Modeling came way later in my life, just about a year ago. I’m not a person who really likes taking pictures of myself but when somebody else does it and they have purpose it’s another story.

I like telling stories through my pictures. This way acting is kind of related to it all.”

If you could highlight three moments in your life and/or around the year 2024 that shaped your career, what are those moments?

“One of them for sure would be the one thing I never really thought I’d do but somehow life led me that direction. I walked my first runaway at NYFW for the amazing designer Celeste Victoria. I had two looks, both dresses, that I was obsessed with. She’s amazing and definitely worth checking out.

Second very crucial moment is one of the short films I had the pleasure to lead called „Love within silence” directed by the incredible Eric Spektor. Why this move was so important to me, you may ask. The answer is simple. I found myself in the character of Eden. When I first got the sides for the audition tape I intended to not even do it. I remember sending the self-tape in the one of the last days. I found it quite easy to play out the scene they had selected because I had recently gone through a very similar situation that the character was going through. Interesting thing is that when I was going through that situation in my life I can say that was one of the hardest moments in my life. But it payed off! We made a great film with raw emotion.

That’s why I think life and acting go hand in hand. You can’t really act without experiencing life.

Third moment or moments would be when I had the opportunity to meet actors such as Selena Gomez, Meryl Streep, Steve Martin and so many more on set. These are people that I grew up watching as a child. People that I’m inspired by and that are on top of their game.

Or when I went to shoot at Paramount studios. What a great moment! I once had that on my vision board.”


What was your past or childhood like, and did you face adversity or struggle in Bulgaria?

“Growing up in Bulgaria I wouldn’t say we had big of an entertainment industry. Yes, we do have movies and tv shows, great theater but not quite enough for the talents that want to evolve as actors.I had the chance to attend great acting studios that I’m very grateful for. I’ve always wanted something more, something else that I knew I couldn’t get back home.

One day, I remember, being at the book store not looking for anything specific. I remember finding this book called “A Dream of Passion” by Lee Strasberg. It immediately caught my eye. It was written about an acting method that seemed so familiar to me. Something I couldn’t find in Bulgaria. From the book I heard the school called Lee Strasberg Theater and Film Institute that I’m absolutely grateful to have had the opportunity to attend. Everything that I learned there is so valuable.”

Who are your biggest inspirations to this day? How have your inspirations shaped you, if so?

“I gain inspiration by looking at creative individuals do what they love doing.

There are so many actors who have inspired me do better each time in one way or another.

One of my favorite actors is Jake Gyllenhaal. What I love most about his work is how raw and deep he is in every role that he takes on. Not only that, but the amount of research he does to prepare for his characters. He’s someone I aspire to be like and hopefully one day I’ll reach it.”


What are some announcements for your career in the near future? How do you envision your success in years to come?

“That’s an interesting question. I’m currently shooting two short films that I’m very excited about. As I said, being surrounded by creative people keeps me alive so I’m blessed to be around creatives minds most of my time.

As of modeling, another thing that I have coming up is a photoshoot for a fashion brand that seems to have the coolest street wear.

One word that would describe the way I envision my future to be is big. I don’t really like sharing my goals but what I’ll tell is that I have big goals and aspirations to reach.”

Where can we learn about actress and model Andrea Yordanova, and why should we? What makes her iconic for her time?

“I don’t know about iconic, but I’d say what differentiates me from a lot of people is the hunger for work, development and reaching my goals. I have given up a lot of things to get to where I am and I keep growing in my career and as an individual. I love learning new things and keep seeking that. Getting to where I once dreamed of only keeps me going and only proves my motto in life that if there’s a will there’s a way.

You can learn more about me on my Instagram or iMDB page. I’m going to make sure to keep updating them as much as I can.”

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