
The Faded Rose Band- Musical Interview 2024

(Published: 2024/03/22 at 9:47 pm)

Edition Seventy-Three- Week Seventy-Three:

Written by: Mercedes Barreto


What are some new releases coming out soon? What makes them notable releases you don’t want to miss?
“We have a few new songs coming out this spring. Our first release, “Tears,” will be available for streaming on April 5th. The song has a laid-back indie-alternative vibe and has a different energy than what we’ve previously released. We’ve introduced new instruments into the mix and have been experimenting with different sounds and overall, I really love where things are going. We are wrapping up a few more songs and will have lots of new music to share over the next several months.”
Who or what is the inspiration for new music by The Faded Rose Band? How does the listening audience respond to such new music?
“Tears was inspired by the all-encompassing veil of social media and society’s obsession with perfection and validation. The song tells the story of someone living behind that facade. Hopefully, the message is understood and well received. Our listeners have been really supportive thus far, so I’m hoping that will continue.”


What is the process like for production of new music, available soon? Is there a specific dynamic in the recording room or on set, stage, etc.?
“We’ve recorded at several studios and had a great experience but decided to complete this project on our own. We are currently recording at Resonance Music Studio in Cortlandt Manor, NY. It’s owned and operated by our lead guitarist and keys player, Charles Costa. It’s an amazing space and we can really take our time and let the music develop organically. Gary Ljundquist, our bass player, is an amazing sound engineer, and has been doing all of our recording and mixing and we producing as a group. We all work really well together and think that makes all the difference.”
Where would you be honored to play your music, if you could pick any venue or establishment to have it play?
“That’s a tough question! There are so many amazing venues. The Cutting Room in NYC is definitely up there on the list. “


Is there a particular message to convey regarding these new songs? Why and how so?
“The music is authentic and honest. Overall, the songs are about love, life, and everything that comes along with it.”
Where can we find The Faded Rose Band’s music, and most of all, why should we? What makes it iconic in the industry?
“Our music can be found on all streaming platforms as well as our website at FadedRoseMusic.com. We can also be found on Instagram and Facebook @FadedRoseMusic. “
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