
Brad Guitar Wilson- Life Love Joy (April 2021)

Issue Twelve- April 2021:

By Mercedes Barreto

As an independent musician, Brad Guitar Wilson works in all departments of the music business. He is also a specialist at music publishing, booking shows, producing records, marketing on social media, operating a merchandise store, selling my products at concerts with credit cards, and producing a streaming show twice a month. 

What would be an achievement you are most proud of which you would like to elaborate on from 2020 and 2021?
“During this time I recorded my new album Nepenthe for release on May 29, 2021. I also have a streaming show called The Californian with Brad “Guitar” Wilson on the second and fourth Fridays each month. 8 pm pacific time presented at Yippee Ki-Ay Blues.”
How do you feel you have progressed recently?
“Very inspired and writing a follow-up album for release in September 2021. It will be mostly acoustic guitar songs the will be followed by a tour in Europe. In terms of musical inspiration? I am spending a lot of time at a California coastal location called Big Sur. This scenic and historic village has long been home to painters and writers. It is filled with inspiration as the redwood trees of the forest meet the beautiful beaches of the Pacific ocean.”
Has Covid had an impact on your schedule or routine?

“No live concerts for everyone’s safety for one year. March 2020 to March 2021. The USA is now open again for concerts. As a creator, or musician? As a performer? During the time of the covid pandemic, I have been very active with music streaming and writing, and recording. Also, the government provided financial grants to artists to keep busy with the arts.”
Why do you feel that your music should be heard? 
“I have lots of friends and fans that enjoy my songs. It brings them joy. It is my job to create music and art.”
Is there a new motivation you feel you can describe in words?
“Yes, motivation to keep music alive and support arts. I also understand how important all music is to everyone to feel good each day. I love music and the uplifting feeling it brings!”
What would be these words in just three words?
“Life Love Joy.”
Is there anything you would like to add?
“Find the small wonders of life that are all around you every day where ever you are. Hope everyone visits my website www.bradwilsonlive.com and checks out the projects I am working on.

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