
Deem Raw- Times and Tribulations (Upcoming Artist)

(Published: 2022/11/15 at 12:11 pm)

Edition Seventeen-Week Seventeen:

Written by: Mercedes Barreto 


Does your past help form your musical flow? What kind of experiences shape the music of today’s most upcoming artists? Deem Raw shares his upcoming success in this rising talent article.

What does music mean to you as an upcoming artist and musician?

“Music means everything. It helps people get through hard times and tribulations. That’s why there’s music for moods and feelings. This is why, as an upcoming artist, I try to rap about what I’m going through or my experiences because people can relate. Or since they might be going through the same situation at that moment.”

If you could share a song, experience, or moment with everyone globally for 5 minutes, what would you share? Why and how so?

“If I could share anything globally, I would share my experience of going through deportation. Why? It’s because someone out there might do something similar to what I did, and I always say the following: God works in mysterious ways. So, even if you end up with the wrong end of the stick, never give up on your dreams, regardless of what they might be. 

God will remove you from that situation for a reason, even if it’s a blessing in disguise.”

Where would the top 3 ideal venues be to perform your music, and why? What makes these venues unique in some way?

“If I could participate in any venues, they would have to be ‘Rolling Loud,’ ‘Double xxx freestyle,’ and ‘Bet cypher.’ 

The reason is apparent. They put people like me, notable artists who make a buzz for themselves, So either of those three venues for sure. I like to make things happen myself and not have things handed to me…”

What top 3 industry executives have shaped your style? If so, and if you could share your music with those professionals, what would you show them on first thought?

“I never watch the executives. Instead, I mostly pay attention to other industry artists, so I can help create my own flow.

Just naming a few, such as Meek mills, Jadakiss, plies, and Lil Wayne. Those are some artists that would contribute to my flow. However, if I had the chance to share my music with these artists, I would share a specific project with them so that they could also see and understand my story and my growth overall.”

What are your plans for 2023? What have been the highlights in 2022, and what can we expect from you?

“My plans for 2023 are to continue to expand my brand as an independent artist. And to also continue releasing good music. I am also interested in learning more about business because I want to be a label owner.

My highlights for this year, 2022, are hitting 556,000 streams, and as an independent artist from a 3rd world country, it is an amount I am grateful for.  I achieved it with no promotion or co-signs, too.

This was possible by dedicating my time to my music’s consistent social media promotion.”

Where can we find ‘Deem Raw’s’ music, and why should we? What makes his music so iconic?

“You can find my music on Spotify, iTunes, Amazon Music, YouTube, and many other digital streaming platforms. 

You should search for my music because it is genuine, authentic, and relatable for all humankind and any race, regardless of age or gender. My music is iconic because it’s real. They can feel what I am saying just by listening.

Check out this link to hear my latest music on YouTube:




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