
Devin Mayo Graham- Fun And Different (A Staple In The Making) (Model & Rising Talent) (November 2021)

Issue Nineteen- November 2021:

By Mercedes Barreto

How does one make their dreams a non-fictional reality? In modeling and cinema, what does it take to become an icon, or a staple in the industry? Devin Mayo Graham is a model and actor who shares his aspirations of success as a rising icon with us in this guided and informative article, worth the wait.

What is modeling to you, in all of its meaning and essence? What defines your modeling style? How so?

“Modeling to me is art filled with the right pictures. I believe that my look is different and would change the game in the industry and open doors for myself.”

If you could pick the top two brands to model for, to reach a higher level of fame in the modeling world, which two brands are the first that come to mind, and why?

“I would love to work with Balenciaga and Dior, simply because in the designer world, those are two top brands, and my favorite brands, also.”

If you could describe your favorite shoot or walk so far, how would you describe that moment, and why is that the most favorable of all moments of which you have modeled?

“My favorite picture would have to be for a clothing line which had more of an alien look, and the poses for the videos that I did with the clothing were amazing and different. However, I also enjoyed the tropical smoothie commercial, because it was relaxing and there was a great crew.”

Where do you see yourself in a few years? What defines success for you, currently and in time? Is success due to the idea of gained experience for you? Or do you define success as reaching your goals? Why and how so, if this applies?

“In a few years, I see myself achieving more goals which  I’ve set for myself, and I believe that I will already be a millionaire and in a movie already, because that’s the direction I am headed. The movie scene is where I want to be. I have been told that I look like I need to be in a movie, and that is a childhood dream, so it’s on the list for sure. I believe to obtain your goals, it comes from a mix of experience and waiting for your time.”

What are two words that describe your life on and off a shoot?
Fun and Different.”

Where can we find out more about your work, and why should we? Why
is Devin Mayo Graham a staple in this industry?

“I am a staple in the making, and will be in the industry for a while. My work is on my Instagram, and also with The Source Modeling Agency in Miami.”

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