
Evil Genius Band- All Ages Rocking Out (Band & Rising Talent)

Edition Eight-Week Eight:

By: Mercedes Barreto / Photography by: Joe Mack’s Event Photography

Just how peculiar can it be when a band unites or reunites for the very first time? What does this friendship mean, on and off a set? The Evil Genius Band is a mix of styles that evokes musical euphoria. We learn more about them in this guided and also informative article.

What led to the idea behind the name of the band? How and why so?

“Evil Genius came together in 2017- when we moved into our new house (Bryan and Karen), we threw a housewarming party for the neighbors to get to know everyone. A few of our neighbors noticed our music studio, and we had a neighborhood jam session by the end of the day. We enjoyed this so much that we made it a weekly thing. Our original guitar player was a retired engineer, extremely gifted with somewhat of a “wild” look that resembled a mad scientist. During one session, someone brought up Bugs Bunny, which led to the evil scientist episode, and the plan was hatched.”

If you could tell us about your most popular songs, what songs would those be? Why so?

“The fun part about our set lists is that they are popular songs from numerous genres. Everyone in the band has contributed to our selection. We’ve chosen a number of songs that are fun to play, technically challenging, and recognizable to a broad audience. Plus, we get a chance to switch instruments since we play multiple instruments. Some of the most popular songs we perform are More Than A Feeling by Boston, Don’t Stop Believing by Journey, Dream On by Aerosmith, and The Ocean by Led Zeppelin.”

What are some of the band’s most favorite venues they have played?

“We love playing for college kids, especially at the Culinary Institute of America. They’re always ready to have a good time and appreciate live music playing on campus. We’ve hosted open mic nights for the students, which was a lot of fun. Playing at Mills Mansion for Music in the Parks was cool, too. Kids and folks of all ages rocking out. We enjoyed playing at Hudson Ale Works, a hard-working bunch of people making awesome beers.”

What are some highlights for the band this year, 2022, and plans for 2023?

“We have a demo CD and have been actively recording a few dozen songs and should have our first cd mixed and mastered later this year. When that’s complete, the next project will be all originals. In the future, we’d love to collaborate with other bands.”

What inspires the band regarding the creation and their ultimate source of influence? Who or what is the main source of inspiration?

“Music brings people together. The support we’ve received from our friends and family has also been inspiring. The relentless quest to become better musicians and get better every day. We appreciate every opportunity to share this with friends and your spouse. It is inspirational. To think of all the infinite sounds the 12 notes on a scale can create is also moving. Our influences are broad. Interestingly enough, the members of Evil Genius all have different styles. My (Karen) background is classical, Nathan is well versed in all styles but deeply influenced by Rush, Bryan is deep into the blues and the Beatles, Rob loves heavy/hair metal, and Bobby is a classic and Southern Rock guy.”

Where can we hear more from The Evil Genius Band, and why should we do it? What makes this music special?

“We have some outdoor events we’ll be at this summer. We are always eager to offer our services for charity and fundraising events. There will be one coming up for a local band venue, Junior’s was recently demolished due to a tragic accident after being struck by a tractor-trailer. Keep an eye on our Facebook and Instagram pages for details and dates. We are committed to the music, and it is special because it is so much fun to play. Great music never goes out of style. Great music doesn’t have an expiration date.”

Questions For The Photographer-

What vibe did you get when taking pictures from this band?

“The band and all the members’ vibe during the show was that they love making music together, interacting with each other, and are all outstanding seasoned musicians.”

What was the primary source of inspiration for their photoshoot, or what led to the photos you took, in terms of something that inspired the moment?

“The photos were shot outside, which is difficult for me. I don’t get to do that often, so it was difficult due to the time of day. Also, the sun was setting behind them, and I had to be aware of that and try not to get the sun glare in my lens. It was a beautiful setting in upstate NY, at a historic mansion called the Mills Mansion, which was part of a music series in the area. One of my best friends is friends with Karen, the singer, so he came along, I gave him a camera, and I let him shoot away.”

Joe Mack’s Event Photography

One Comment

  • Gregg Tobias

    That’s my brother and sister in law. I recorded them on video last month at casperkill golf club.


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