
Lizzie Bowen- Forever Seventeen (A Book To Read Today!) (September 2021)

Issue Seventeen- September 2021:

By Mercedes Barreto

Reading is an escape. However, writing is a challenge. One must face various obstacles in the internal phases of the pen to paper. Lizzie Bowen is a writer with the skill and knowledge used meticulously in her own writings, ones which we deeply enjoy. She educates us on her most recent progress in this guided and informative article.

What do you believe is the most inspiring quote in your latest book? Why is this true?

“You can’t fix all the parts of me that are broken”. I find this to be an important quote because it signifies that the healing we have to be doing as human beings can’t come from anyone but ourselves. Oftentimes I feel like we as humans try to find our peace and healing in other people. But that kind of healing can really only come from yourself. You have to heal yourself before you can heal others yourself. This is a quote from my book “Forever Seventeen.”

How did you start with writing? Was it always a passion, or did you work your way up via recent realization of such?

“Writing is a passion of mine and has always been a passion of mine. I think kids everywhere need to step away from the screens and just start writing again. It has always been so healing for me and I find writing to be something that I can use as an outlet for whatever it is I am going through. I was interested in being an author since I was nine years old.”

What is the ideal success you could imagine achieving with your most popular book? What merits this reward?

“I would like to be a New York Times Bestseller; not for the fame or for the money, but so that I could know that my writing reached many people and had a great amount of influence on all that wrote it. I would like for my books to inspire young children to have big imaginations and to be creative.”

If you could do a book signing, and successfully invite three writing industry pro’s to attend and get a signed copy, who would you pick, and why them? On a global scale, choosing three professionals, regardless of details or distance?

“I would invite John Green. His work is so powerful, and his novel, “Looking for Alaska” was written about a high school that is in my hometown. I have felt that a lot of his work has touched me in a deep way and inspired me as a writer. I would also invite Suzanne Collins. I think she did a lot for teen readers, pop culture, and the industry in general. I would also invite Jennifer Lawrence who brought that character of Katniss to life.”

What is something about the book that fuels your drive to keep writing? Possibly the success in sales, or your reader’s positive reaffirmations? What are the biggest inspiration in this world of negotiations and once-in-a-lifetime opportunities?

“It fuels me to think that I am inspiring people to read and to use their imagination. I am always encouraging teens, young adults, and kids to use their imagination. Those teen years are so important for using your imagination because as life goes on it tends to dim and I want to keep those brains as bright as possible.”

What are some upcoming projects, and where can we find them? Why should we all do so?

“You can find my book, “Forever Seventeen” on Smashwords. It can be googled as “Lizzie Bowen Forever Seventeen Smashwords”

Anything to add here?

“My Instagram is @lizziebowen17 and you can follow there to get updates on all my projects!”

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