
Cameen- Cameen After Dark (And Much More!) (Musician & Rising Talent) (August 2021)

Issue Sixteen- August 2021:

By Mercedes Barreto

What defines diversity and uniqueness? Does the verbal ring behind these terms suggest a one-in-a-million approach? Or, does every individual have their own unique voice? Cameen is a musician who shares his latest works, and his own unique voice, in this guided and informative article.

What began your musical career? Can you describe the moment, and what was it like? How did you find your sound, style, and your vibe? What makes it special?

“Music started for me while growing up in church. I sang in the choir as a youth. Singing just came naturally. I would always hum or whistle, and then, one day, my mother told me I had to sing something at her choir practice. That was the start. My style has been developed from years of listening to so many singers from multiple genres, and my cousin, Henry, was a great jazz bass player, and my uncle, James, from Brooklyn, New York, always played the latest and greatest hits from jazz to gospel to soul artist. I basically had a plethora of styles to choose from. My style is special because I switch from what I call my “cool, sexy voice” to what I call my “Church voice.” The differences can be depicted when listening to all of my music. The switch gives me some play or leisure room vocally.”

Has Covid had any effect at all on your music or routine in general? How so? Positively or negatively, or even?

“No. Covid didn’t interfere with my performing. This is since it’s just me and a possible Dj who have to appear. I’ve always attempted to broker booked deals with private companies or corporations. During this entire time, I simply asked those who booked me to ask the patrons if they would please wear a mask as I performed. I started doing private “Cameen After Dark” performances that were via zoom. This was more intimate and had a better appeal to the masses.”

What are three songs you would pitch to 2 well-known music industry executives of your choice if you could pick just three songs and two pros to pitch your music to with the promise of a recommendation into fame?

“If I could pick 3 songs to pitch. They would be 1. “Pull Up”, 2. HennyWay-“It’s Just Business” 3. My Wisdom.” I would like to sit with 50cent, Rick Ross, and JayZ because I believe they could see my vision on the aforementioned songs.”

Where can we find your music, and why should we do so immediately? What makes this a privilege for listeners, and not just an option?

“What’s special about my music is that it’s very diverse and there’s always a story…”

Anything you would like to add here?

“My music can be heard at cameen.com

One Comment

  • William Norcross

    I know this man personally and no one works harder or cares about their craft as much as cameen.


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