
Meredith Boswell- Poetry From Dreams (August 2021)

Issue Sixteen- August 2021:

By Mercedes Barreto

Poetry is a beautiful thing. You must truly have a knack for the placing of such beautiful phrases and a love for the knowledge of the laws of prose. Meredith Boswell is a poet who inspires not only me, but her evident work dictates a reason to read about it in this guided and informative article.

What do poetry and art mean to you? What do they stand for, in your opinion?

“Most of my writing and my painting come from dreams. I dream of the words or the paintings. I feel the presence of my mother when I write poetry and songs, I feel the Devine when I paint. My poetry is usually an exploration of emotions and social issues. Whether that be love or interactions with people, God, or nature. My art is a search to capture the vibration of light and color as it delineates a defined form. The struggle and dynamic impact these components have on our senses, in my view create an emotional response. Which is my aim.”

If you could describe your sense of style and your workings in three words or so, what would those words be? Could you describe those words in full detail?

“I always describe my work as pushing the boundaries. I have been trained classically in anatomy drawing, landscape, and still-life/objects. I will always take this as my starting point. I then listen to the heart and my instinct, the Devine, and move to push the boundaries of the portrayal of the subject and theme. My aim is to impact the viewer’s senses with the pure beauty of a subject and an underlying theme.”

Has Covid played a role in your schedule, routine, or life in general? And in a positive way, or via negative constraint? How so?

“Covid has impacted my work in a lot of ways. Mostly the painting as I love being with my fellow artists painting landscapes and life models and this cannot take place as we are now back in lockdown. The isolation is quite depressing and the drop in income, as well as I, am unable to exhibit and everyone’s income is tight so commissions are nonexistent at moment. On another level, it has forced me to experiment more with my painting. With my writing, I have taken up music and songwriting converting my poetry into songs, and I published another book of short stories. Therefore the impact of Covid on my waiting has been positive.”

If you could name a poem and a painting and describe each work in a few words, to list down details about their creation, what two workings would you pick, and why those two? What is so special about both that you picked them?

“A poem and A painting
Poetry: ‘ Butterfly kisses’.

This poem is a love poem about a lover that cannot be with his girl, who is the voice of the poem. He has left her a present, a box filled with butterflies. It is a biographical poem to some extent, about the man I love and how I feel about him. So it is quite personal. ( herein enclosed)

The Painting: ‘ Koi fish swimming in the shadow of Magnolia flowers’/ & ‘a drawing of my mother “Mamma”‘.

Koi fish is oil on stretched canvas with gold leaf. It is representative of nature’s beauty both in color and form. I try to infuse an ethereal element in most of my works as well. ( herein enclosed) The drawing of my mother is carbon pencil on board. It was done from life in the nursing home. My mother has the last stage of Alzheimer’s. I have tried to show her dignity and with the representation of flowers to emphasize her beauty. I chose these two works for they are representative of how my mind, heart, and soul want to be portrayed.”

Why should people take into account your works of art, more than the average artist’s works? What do you believe is special about your work, whether it be the energy involved, the creative process, or simply the preparation for example?

I feel God when I paint, and I believe that the viewer will be moved to feel the beauty of nature. And God, I will always portray the beauty of my subject no matter what that subject, so I have been told. I put my heart and soul into each painting. I impart a part of me in them. I quieten my mind with prayer before each work and let the Devine guide me in love.”

What are some upcoming projects we should know about, and why should we know about them? Where can we find these masterpieces?

“I exhibit normally at the Royal Arts Society Gallery Lavender Bay Sydney Australia. I hope to branch out after restrictions are lifted into the USA marketplace and English marketplace. I have work in private homes throughout Sydney and Denmark.”

Anything you would like to add here?

“Painting and writing are in my blood and I will always raise the bar and strive for that impactful brushstroke of color and that moving sentence. I appreciate the opportunity you have given me to share my work. Love and light to all!”

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