
Steamboat STARS- A Great Winter Season! (Upcoming Winter Registration) (September 2021)

Issue Seven- September 2021:

By Mercedes Barreto

A community can be a powerful force. When in times of need, or to support a beneficial cause in such communities, it is in that time that those community-goers must reach out, and support such organizations. Steamboat STARS is an organization in the Steamboat Springs community that is completely worth every penny you donate and withholds complete validation of your whole, genuine support. They advise us of their progress within their cause via sports activities for disabled participants in this guided and informative article. 

What is the objective in Steamboat STARS schedule these recent times, to continue to complete their mission?

“Our objective has been to continue to serve our participants in the safest way possible. We are really looking forward to a great winter season full of lessons.”

How has Covid continued to impact the organization, if in a good or bad way? How so?

“I don’t think there is any good way that COVID-19 affects our organization. As there are spikes in the COVID variant, we have to continue to monitor our state and county health guidelines to ensure we are protecting the health of our clients. That said, participation in our local programming and overnight camps were up this summer and we are hoping that the trend continues as we go into winter programming.”

What is the daily routine like for a new volunteer at the establishment, considering the demand for such services at Steamboat STARS., if applicable? How about a more experienced volunteer? Why should someone assist Steamboat STARS with donations, volunteering, etc.?

“All new volunteers will go through a background check, as well as adaptive training clinics. The training clinics are to help educate and prepare all new volunteers to help serve our mission. Each volunteer is used differently but a lot…”

When you see a participant enjoying their sporting experience for the first time, how does new and extremely well-functioning equipment make a difference?

“Well-functioning equipment makes a huge difference for the initial sporting experience of our participants. We want to ensure a safe, fun experience and properly working bikes, sit-skis, watercraft, etc. is critical to the user experience.”

How has the community learned about the organization, and helped along? Why should they continue to do so? How many years or so has Steamboat STARS been in operation?

“STARS has been in operation for 14 years and has been incredibly supported by our community of Steamboat Springs. Whether from the number of volunteers from our community to the generous donations and fundraiser support, to local grants, our community embraces our mission. The community should continue to support us because we cater to local participants as much as out-of-town participants. We love and are grateful for the support of the Steamboat Springs community!”

What is the therapeutic influence of the activity at Steamboat STARS? What explains the therapy that takes place and its logic when someone participates, and how it occurs in someone who needs such therapy in this experience?

“The experiences people receive when attending activities are life-changing. People who come to participate a lot of the time have suffered a life-shifting injury. STARS is here to help elevate them to higher ground & show them what they can still do. Our programs become therapeutic, enriching, and life-changing.”

Why should people donate and assist the mission, and where can people do so? Why should people help your mission, above all else?

“Every contribution to STARS helps change lives. Without our donors & supporters, we wouldn’t be able to deliver programs to the people who need them. I have personally first-hand experienced our mission at work. Both as a participant and as a staff member. If you want to help someone with a physical or cognitive disability STARS is your friend. People can donate by visiting our website, at:


Anything you would like to add here?

“We are thrilled to share that our Winter registration opens on September 1st, 2021! You can register online at Steamboatstars.com We hope to see you there & serve you or a family member this year!”

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