
Ashlyn Gardner- Confidence (Model, Performer, & Rising Talent) (September 2021)

Issue Seventeen- September 2021:

By Mercedes Barreto

Being open-minded can be important to success in a profession, especially in the fashion industry. There will be times when the visible expression of fashion is portrayed differently amongst several. Ashlyn Gardner is a model and performer with years of experience in this craft, and she displays open-mindedness and the drive to succeed. We witness her aspirations in her field and more in this guided yet informative article.

What is your opinion of what modeling is, in its very essence, and what does that mean to you? Do you see modeling as an everyday professional venture, or something much more?

“Modeling, in my opinion, is the most vulnerable and creative way clothing can be displayed; as the human body is such a raw beauty in itself. Modeling means to me allowing yourself to be vulnerable, and confident at the same time, to the audience. Your body is the canvas to display the creativity and artistry of an individual’s imagination. I believe there is so much more to modeling than just walking down a runway wearing clothing. Fashion can defy a person. Whether you are wearing suits for the office or a black dress with a plunging neckline and immaculate accessories for a night out, your wardrobe tells a story of who you are, your confidence, and how you see the world.”

What is that moment where you started modeling and realized you had the talent? Why and how so?

“When I was in high school, I started modeling doing as many small jobs as I could. One job, in particular, was for Latin Fashion Week in New York. Most of the organizers and directors spoke Spanish, and I was concerned that I may not be selected because I did not speak Spanish. Well, I was selected and, to my surprise, because Latin Fashion Week is a big deal! At that moment I realized that artists speak a common language. The designers selected models that best fit their vision and the non-verbal story they wanted to tell. The photographers were taking photos for a Latin magazine and my photos were displayed. Once I saw my photos – my hair, makeup, and the clothing – it was then I knew I have shot to be a successful model.”

When you are about to perform, whether dancing or modeling, do you often find yourself nervous, or distraught? What is a good routine or method to combat these pre-performance jitters, which works for you, if so?

“Ever since I was very young, I found comfort on a stage. When I prepare for a performance, I don’t get nervous, I get excited because it’s a feeling of complete peace. My excitement grows because I get a chance to connect with someone in the audience. I get to help inspire an escape from reality, even for a moment. I have been performing for about 16 years. Having gone to a performing arts school, I performed in many shows – acting, singing, and dancing; therefore, I don’t get nervous. I am used to displaying the vision of others.”

Has Covid impacted your life, whether in a family-friendly setting or within the realm of work? Why so?

“When Covid started, I was away at college. When the country first shut down, I was supposed to be performing at a dance convention representing my college. Due to quarantine, the convention was canceled and all students were sent home to complete classes virtually. New York modeling agencies had to stop holding casting calls so, they began to receive a large number of submissions online. Of course, this is great for the agency but not so great for an aspiring model because oftentimes, your face or photos can be lost in the shuffle. Or they can select photos right before they get to yours. In an industry where the competition is already fierce, it made it much harder to get your images viewed.”

If you were to describe modeling in three words, referencing back to your passion for it, if applicable, then what three words would you pick to describe such, and why?

“The three words I would use to describe modeling would be – Extravagant, Story and Representation.
When I think of modeling, I think of the fashion shows with models wearing the most Extravagant to outrageous outfits. Each outfit tells a story that represents the designer. Sometimes, the outfits represent what the designer was feeling, his/her emotions. It’s beautiful. I think it is amazing that some designers are shy but, their designs speak volumes. I want to be their storyboard.”

Where can we find more on your career and recent progress, and why should we do so? What makes your workings so special and merits at least the searching of such a topic?

“You can find more of my career and progress on my Instagram page @ashly.nmoss. Many of my photos are me appreciating beautiful mother nature.”

Anything you would like to add?

“Considering that I have been performing or putting myself on display for 16 years, I have an in-depth understanding of what it takes to put on a show. I understand stage direction and I am completely flexible when things change. I am open to all types of modeling, except nudity, of course. However, there are some designs that use the beauty of the body to complement the design. I am open to that.”

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