
Tatiana Lombardo- A Walking Piece of Art (Model) (September 2021)

Issue Seventeen- September 2021:

By Mercedes Barreto

Modeling can be expressive, significant, and creative. Tatiana Lombardo is a model who talks about the distinct bigger picture for models and their careers, and what modeling means to those aspiring canvases of fashion, in this guided yet informative article.

What do you feel when modeling, if it all came down to one main emotion? Could you describe this emotion in a few sentences? Why this emotion?

“When I model, the words that come to mind are art and expression. Models are the blank canvas that artists can use to express their creative visions. It makes me feel like I’m a walking piece of art.”

Has Covid impacted you and your lifestyle in any way? How so, and in a good way, or bad, rather?

“Covid hasn’t really affected my modeling since I can still go to casting calls (through Zoom though). I still have at-home shoots where I take my own pictures for brands and I find these shoots to be more fun.”

What are just three words that you believe would most describe your latest achievements and accomplishments for 2021? What merits these
accomplishments as important and worthy of sharing? How so?

“I think my top 3 accomplishments so far this year are being in my favorite artist’s music video (I freaked out a bit), taking my YouTube channel more seriously, and experimenting with my style. I definitely broke out of my shell and finally started doing what I always wanted to do, so it’s a big deal for me.”

If you could pick one venue or modeling show to be one of the featured models in that showcase, considering this venue would be a global success,
which venue would you pick? What would that opportunity mean to you?

“A modeling show I would love to be in is any high-end fashion brand like Prada or Versace because the shows are always fun and experimental.”

What is your personal definition of modeling, and what defines success, in your opinion, and this tough and demanding industry?

“Modeling is what sells the fashion. To be successful, you have to be willing to apply yourself fully and practice like in any other profession. It is so demanding that it can drain a lot out of you, but I believe it’s worth it.”

Where can we learn and find more information about your work, and why should we? What makes Tatiana Lombardo’s modeling iconic, and worthy of a listen and follow?

“To find more of my work, I always upload pictures to my Instagram which I think is a great way to showcase everything you do. At home, shoots are my favorite since they allow my creativity to flow, and it’s fun for me and my friends to shoot in my room and express our ideas.”

Anything to add here?

“If you model, you’re part of a bigger picture. You’re the canvas and a walking art of creative expression.”

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