
‘Before Firework’- A Meaningful Film to Watch and Enjoy

(Published: 2024/03/26 at 2:08 pm)

Edition Seventy-Four- Week Seventy-Four:

Written by: Mercedes Barreto

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What is the main takeaway for the film, ‘Before Firework’? What is the one thing that will catch and hook you right away?

Xueyang (Lyncis) Niu – Director/Writer/Executive Producer:
In ‘Before Firework’, I delve into the complex dynamics between grandparents and grandchildren, a relationship often characterized by its dramatic tension and deep connection. As the sole child raised by my grandparents in my own family, I’ve always been intrigued by the interplay of generations with stark cultural disparities yet strange profound understanding. Through my film, I aim to unpack the intricacies of this relationship, shedding light on the inner solitude experienced by both parties. My exploration extends beyond mere family dynamics to probe the essence of family itself, while also addressing the issue of mental health among empty nesters and the left-behind children group. By delving into these themes, I aspire for audiences to reflect on the complexities of familial bonds and the challenges faced by those often sidelined in society.
I hope my dissection of these can be the main takeaway for the audience.

Yi (Historia) Wang – Producer:
For ‘Before Firework’, the main takeaway is the power of healing and the resilience of the human spirit. The movie delves into the unforeseen odyssey of a thief named Ziyuan following his planned burglary of a historic Chinese residence belonging to Mei. Despite his initial intentions, Ziyuan finds himself drawn into Mei’s world, where he discovers the true meaning of unconditional love and the potential for strangers to become family. This beautiful and powerful message deeply resonates throughout the story, highlighting the importance of human connection and the potential for profound relationships to form in unexpected circumstances. From the very beginning, viewers will be drawn in by the raw authenticity of the storytelling, the relatable characters, and the emotional depth of their experiences. As a producer, I always want to create stories that not only entertain but also leave a lasting impact on the audience. With ‘Before Firework’, my goal is to bring forth a narrative that touches hearts and inspires viewers to reflect on the deeper aspects of human relationships and the power of redemption. I strive to craft films that resonate on an emotional level, connecting people from all walks of life through universal themes of love, forgiveness, and personal growth. Collaborating with talented creatives, I aim to bring authenticity and depth to every aspect of production, ensuring that the final product speaks to the shared experiences and emotions of our audience. Ultimately, my passion lies in storytelling that sparks empathy, fosters understanding, and leaves a meaningful impression long after the credits roll.

Siren Lai – Co-Producer:
‘Before Firework’ is not a normal story with theatrical twists and heroic figures, which we usually see in films. It’s more like a piece of the reality we lived in. It gently reveals a part of people’s lives, showing how the past hasn’t been kind to the characters and how two lonely, broken souls save each other not through dramatic gestures but through time and companionship. And that’s what speaks to me the most while I read the script.

Sean Harvas – Art Director:
I love that the film takes place in Los Angeles but is in Mandarin. I think there is a lack of representation of Foreigners living in the U.S. The United States boasts a significant demographic diversity with individuals hailing from various cultural backgrounds and speaking a multitude of languages, but there is a lack of representation.”


How have the cast and crew members been selected for these roles and overall production? What was that process like and how would you describe the dynamic on set?

Xueyang (Lyncis) Niu – Director/Writer/Executive producer:
The selection process for both the cast and crew was a blend of personal connections, professional recommendations, and diligent evaluation. Many crew members were individuals I had the pleasure of befriending or collaborating with on previous projects in Los Angeles or in New York. Additionally, my two dedicated producers played a pivotal role in identifying additional crew members who complemented our team. When it came to casting, I used platforms such as Backstage, Breakdown Express, and Casting Network. Each potential cast/crew member underwent careful consideration, with attention paid not only to their acting proficiency but also to their personality fit within the ensemble. This dual assessment ensured that our on-set dynamics remained harmonious. Credit for fostering a welcoming and collaborative environment on set primarily goes to our ATL members. They were awesome.

Yi (Historia) Wang – Producer:
For the casting and crew selection of ‘Before Firework’, we embarked on a meticulous process aimed at assembling a team that not only possessed the necessary skills and expertise but also shared a deep resonance with the themes and vision of the film. In terms of casting, we conducted extensive auditions to find actors who could authentically embody the complexities of their characters and convey the emotional depth required for the story.
One standout example is Qi, who transitioned from a supporting role in my previous SVA thesis film to the lead role in ‘Before Firework.’ Despite the distance, Qi’s commitment was evident as he flew from NYC to LA twice for shooting, showcasing his dedication and belief in the project’s potential. His familiarity with my previous work provided a strong foundation for our collaboration, allowing us to build upon our existing rapport and shared understanding of storytelling nuances. Qi’s transition to the lead role not only showcased his versatility as an actor but also enriched the dynamic of the production, infusing the set with his passion, professionalism, and creative energy. The dynamic on set was one of collaboration, mutual respect, and shared dedication to bringing the story of ‘Before Firework’ to life. Despite the challenges inherent in filmmaking, the cast and crew worked seamlessly together, fostering an environment where creativity flourished, ideas were shared freely, and everyone felt valued and supported in their contributions. We laughed a lot on set, which not only helped to alleviate the pressures of production but also fostered a sense of camaraderie and joy among the team. Additionally, many unexpected emergencies occurred on set, such as issues with truck rentals and other logistical challenges. However, I was fortunate to receive support from other departments, which enabled us to overcome these obstacles swiftly and effectively. Despite the hurdles we faced, the resilience and resourcefulness of everyone involved ultimately contributed to the smooth execution of the production and the quality of the final film.

Lizette Castro – Assistant Director:
Initially recruited by Facebook as a PA, I was thrilled when one of the producers offered me the role of 1st Assistant Director, which aligns perfectly with my expertise in assistant directing and producing. This project marked a fantastic start to my 2024. On set, the atmosphere blended friendliness with professionalism seamlessly. Bringing along colleagues Patrick Shartzer and Micaiah To added to my comfort level. As an AD, my priority is fostering a compassionate and efficient environment, ensuring safety and, above all, respect. While working with a diverse crew can be intimidating, everyone’s familiarity with at least one person on set helped build camaraderie. We had fun while staying focused, relying on each other and forming lasting friendships along the way.


Does the film have a mission or message? Which is the one that would hopefully be conveyed to an audience of several viewers?

Xueyang (Lyncis) Niu – Director/Writer/Executive producer:
The central theme of this film is the exploration of unconditional love. It’s a topic close to my heart, one I’ve longed to discuss and depict in a tender, heartfelt manner reminiscent of Japanese storytelling. I think this work needs something pure, something more than haste, exploitation, utilitarianism, and superficiality when it comes to love in general. I believe people can’t connect casually and each one of us could be brave enough to give out our love unconditionally from time to time. Through this film, I aim not only to showcase this enduring type of love but also to inspire my audience. I hope that viewers, upon watching the film, will find the courage to believe in the existence of genuine love.’

Lizette Castro – Assistant Director:
This unique story, inspired by Lyncis’ background as a Gen Z individual during China’s one-child policy, prompts audiences to question family dynamics. Coming from a Latinx background in the United States, where family holds cultural significance, it challenges the notion of “blood is thicker than water,” often fraught with boundary crossings and sacrifices for familial expectations. As someone raised by her mom while my dad was constantly working alongside siblings and cousins, the contrast with being an only child raised by grandparents’ highlights overlooked perspectives. Through mediums like filmmaking, we can illuminate and articulate such experiences, offering insight into diverse upbringings and cultural contexts. Considering this film circles around Ziyuan leaving his family, it challenges the limits of individuals in a toxic home environment and what drives them to make certain choices. Sometimes the choices people make are the results and reactions of what their childhoods consisted of. I suppose the main message I want people to take away from it, is to explore their meaning of “family”, and draw awareness to mental health regarding those with troubled or complicated upbringings. 


What describes an average day for cast and crew for the production of the film ‘Before Firework’? What were some highlights to note from the daily routine on set, or anything notable?

Xueyang (Lyncis) Niu – Director/Writer/Executive producer:
During the production of ‘Before Firework’, an average day for the cast and crew typically spanned 12 hours of shooting. We adhered to a structured schedule, punctuated by breaks every 6 hours for a brief ‘lunch’ period, followed by a 30-minute resumption of filming. As for highlights or notable occurrences during our daily routine on set, the nature of production tended to be both stressful and highly routine. There weren’t specific standout moments to highlight.

Yi (Historia) Wang – Producer:
As the producer of ‘Before Firework’, I made it a priority to ensure that every member of the cast and crew felt supported and valued, including their dietary needs. Recognizing the importance of physical well-being and comfort during long production days, I took proactive measures to accommodate food restrictions for all team members. From the outset, I made it clear that I was committed to meeting the dietary requirements of everyone involved in the project. This involved thorough communication with each individual to understand their specific needs and preferences. Whether it was allergies, intolerances, or personal dietary choices, I made sure to take note of every detail. Throughout the production process, I worked closely with catering services to match a diverse range of dietary restrictions. This required careful planning and coordination to ensure that everyone had access to nutritious and satisfying meals that met their dietary needs. Also, understanding the importance of providing nutritious and satisfying meals during long production days, I sought out high-quality options from various cuisines, including Thai, Chinese, Korean, and more. By prioritizing the well-being and comfort of the cast and crew in this way, I aimed to foster a positive and inclusive environment on set. This gesture of consideration and care not only promoted physical health but also contributed to a sense of camaraderie and mutual respect among team members. Ultimately, my efforts to accommodate food restrictions were part of my broader commitment to creating a supportive and harmonious working atmosphere, where everyone felt valued and able to perform at their best.

Lizette Castro – Assistant Director:
An average day onset for me is a bit lengthy, only because I am very vigilant about how the day should play out and making sure the crew is feeling confident and motivated, while also delegating the progress of production. I normally woke up two to three hours early to mentally prepare, energize and grab some sort of treat for the crew. A highlight that definitely pertains to the incentive of treats, was during the first day of production, where we unfortunately lost a lot of sunlight that we needed for a scene we had on the schedule so we had to adapt and switch to a scene that we planned for day three. This left us two scenes behind. Being behind or breaking away from a plan can be stressful, but it happens. Of course you want to give a film the best chance it deserves, so when these things happen, you can’t help but to internally freak out. After wrapping the first day, I spoke to Lyncis and our cinematographer Zehua, and we just had a pep talk to plan the next day’s shoot, which we had to fit those two lost scenes on top of the scenes we already had planned to shoot that day. My motto of life onset and off, is “Either we do it, or we do it”, I never want to give myself the option to quit or leave things unfinished, at least if I have the power and control to ensure that. I relayed this to them and just reassured them that because we have a really great crew it’ll work out. The next morning, I stopped by a donut shop on the way to set and bought some donuts for the crew to motivate them for the additional scenes we had to tackle. To which, during our safety meeting I was stern and set the tone for the day that we had more urgency given our time limit within the location and the other scenes we had to film before loadout on day three, that no matter what we are going to get every scene done for the day on time. We worked really hard on day two and got every scene we needed done, leaving us on track for the rest of production. Surely enough, the sweet and doughy motivation of donuts paid off and after that I brought more donuts and pan dulces on set following that day.


Where do you see this production taking off? How do you measure the potential for this film?

Xueyang (Lyncis) Niu – Director/Writer/Executive producer:
I envision this film can get into some relatively big film festivals and then has the potential to appeal to a wide range of viewers, spanning different demographics and cultural backgrounds. Maybe it could attract attention from distributors and industry professionals? I am too afraid to think too wild right now to be honest. But I can see this film has the potential to be seen by many.

Yi (Historia) Wang – Producer:
As the producer of ‘Before Firework’, I envision this film resonating globally with its universal themes of love, redemption, and human connection. To gauge its potential, we employ a multifaceted approach:

1. Audience Engagement: We meticulously analyze feedback from script readings, focus groups, and test screenings to ensure the emotional resonance of the film. This allows us to fine-tune the storytelling to effectively evoke the intended emotional response from viewers.
2. Talent and Expertise: While some of our talent may not have previous acting experience, they have demonstrated exceptional dedication and skill in bringing their characters to life in ‘Before Firework’. We believe in their ability to connect with audiences on a profound level, enriching the film with authenticity and depth.
3. Market Research: We conduct thorough market research to understand the demographics, competition landscape, and industry trends. This informs our distribution strategy, allowing us to identify opportunities and tailor our approach to maximize the film’s reach and impact in different markets.
4. Marketing Strategy: Our marketing strategy is characterized by innovation and effectiveness. We employ cutting-edge techniques to generate buzz and excitement around the film, utilizing social media metrics and trailer views to gauge audience interest and refine our promotional efforts accordingly.
5. Distribution: Our strategic distribution plan ensures broad accessibility for ‘Before Firework’ through various channels, including theatrical releases, streaming platforms, and international markets. By maximizing the film’s availability across different platforms and regions, we aim to reach a diverse audience base and leave a lasting impression worldwide. Through meticulous planning and execution, we are committed to ensuring that ‘Before Firework’ captivates audiences globally and leaves a profound impact on hearts and minds around the world.

Siren Lai – Co-Producer:
After post-production is finalized, we will start our film festival run, hopefully, from the end of this year to the next year. There are film festivals we want to attend, such as LA Shorts, Reel Sisters, Female Eye Film Festival, etc. Of course, nominations and awards are what we hope to receive as recognition of the story, but the most crucial thing we aim for is to bring our works to meet viewers all over the world through screenings and have people resonate with the story.


Where can we see or learn more about ‘Before Firework’, and why should we? What makes it an iconic production and film out to the masses?

Xueyang (Lyncis) Niu – Director/Writer/Executive producer:
You can find more about ‘Before Firework’ on our website at https://www.lyncisportfolio.com/film/before-firework-2024.

We’re also gearing up for a post-fundraising campaign with some exciting incentives for our donors, so keep an eye out for that in the coming month. What sets this production apart is its unique blend of Mandarin and English, reflecting a diverse cultural perspective not often seen in Los Angeles filmmaking. It’s a true collaboration, bringing together talented film students from prestigious institutions like AFI, USC, NYU, Chapman, and more. This diversity of voices and backgrounds enriches the storytelling and makes ‘Before Firework’ an iconic production.

Lizette Castro – Assistant Director:
Definitely check out our Instagram page @before_firework_the_film

and Lyncis’ website! We’ll be updating the progress of the film as well as learn about the cast, crew, production, etc. Please stay tuned and support the film, we all worked incredibly hard to really bring this story to life. I think what makes it iconic is the attention to detail in every aspect of production. The cinematography, production design, performances, I could go on and on. I think the masses could use a refresher of a protagonist like Ziyuan who is inherently flawed being a thief, but still has a conscious and moral backbone by caring for Mei. Sometimes family is not everything, and our biological families cannot care for us or have our best interests at heart. However, we can change the trajectories of our lives with the people we surround ourselves with. Life is a constant journey of self-discovery, but it’s up to us to navigate through that. Before Fireworks is a more realistic take on how our “family” can also drive us to our chosen family in the most unconventional and unexpected ways.

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