
Sip The Motivational Kid- Temporary Time Frame (July 2021)

Issue Fifteen- July 2021:

By Mercedes Barreto

In acting, many do and do not succeed, it is clear that the essentials are necessary. But Deandre SipTheKid Smith has a special charisma of sorts in his performance, in a film,  which brings me to believe that this article will entertain, and persuade a new generation of audience which will be entertained by his work in this way. This charisma, his charisma, is above and beyond the essentials of film.

What does acting mean to you, and please define what your
ultimate success would be like if it were to come to fruition?

“What defines true success?

To me, acting is putting yourself in someone else world for a temporary time frame. When you act you become that character or person until a scene is over. To me, it means that I have to challenge myself to not think and be myself but without losing sight of my identity.

My ultimate goal and success are to be recognized around the world. I want the world to see my talent. I want to be known globally. I would love to be able to shoot my own movies and partner with studios so that I always have an opportunity to act and help others get exposure to showcase their talent.

To me, true success is being happy doing what your gift is or loves to do. Fame and money is a bonus that comes with your gift or talent. Success to me is using your gift to become a value to the world in a positive way.”

How has Covid had an impact on your schedule or routine, as an actor, or in general? Has it resulted in a positive or negative effect?

“Covid forced me to sit down and focus on growing and learning without distractions. I am big on working out to clear my mind and taking care of my body spiritually and physically. COVID actually worked in my favor because I can sit in the house and focus on being a better actor and reading to strengthen my mind. Without places to go, I didn’t have any excuse not to work on myself. I was able to look up more auditions, read more, work out at home, and focus on my family and me with outside distractions. I always wanted to be a Youtuber doing the pandemic I was able to grow my YouTube channel because I was in the house a lot. Overall the COVID positively helped me. It made me sit down and do things that I would normally find an excuse not to do and by doing that I have grown so much as a person.”

What three words in specific detail describe your craft and its beginning? What words describe your initiation into acting?

“I would say intuition, hard, and belief. I’m very in tune with my intuition and I felt like it’s the reason I felt that I should pursue my dreams. I had this feeling that I can’t explain that told me to go for it. Starting off was hard because I didn’t know where to start. Nobody around was an actor. I didn’t know anything or how to get an audition or anything so that made it hard. I always believe that I would and could be in a movie and that little bit of belief brought me this far in life.

Being a fan of movies and always wanting to be on tv was my initiation into acting. I always knew and felt like there was more to life than what I was doing. My Imagination would always start up whenever I watched a movie and I would imagine myself being on tv and watching myself. I knew and felt deep down inside that I was put on earth for a bigger purpose.”

If you could have the ideal role, in the ideal movie, and the option to select either one, which role and movie would you select to act in if you were given the opportunity?

“My ideal role and movie would be a superhero and action movie. I would love to hit the gym hard to prepare for the role and give it my all. I want to be like Chadwick Boseman and Michael B Jordan in Black Panther. I love the positivity and motivation that a hero gives to people. I love to motivate and inspire people. I think by playing a lead superhero I would be able to have my dream role and also inspire because I’m big on motivating people. Plus I think it would be pretty cool to work and play around with the green screen.”

If you were able to pitch your acting talent to three industry professionals for 5 minutes each, being anyone you
would choose, who would you pick? Why so?

“I would pick Will Smith, Michael B Jordan, and Kevin Hart. I am a big fan of all three. I love what these three stand for on film and of the film. They are all big on motivation, giving opportunities, health, and being successful at what you love to do.”

Where can we find some of your work if we wish to do so?

“You can find my work on Tubi, Walmart, and Amazon Prime.”

Anything you would like to add here?

“I just want people to know that you can do anything you like and dreams do come true. I lost my mom and brother to gun violence and I was diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder and major depressive disorder and I didn’t let that stop me. I was raised by a single mom and I became the man of the house at 14 years old. I want people to look at me and get some type of inspiration to chase their dreams. We can’t change what happens to us in the past but we can choose not to be a victim and let it kill our future. I’m working on a lot of big things now. Be on the lookout for me because I’m coming to a big screen near you soon!”

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